Thursday, August 8, 2024

XC Class Help



Thank you so much for your support for your kids this summer, and for the support you'll be offering this season. As you know, we are holding a first period class for our xc team for the first time ever. This period is going to be a game changer for us. When it comes to training for a 5k, there is a lot of evidence that doing "double" runs in a day is more beneficial than doing one longer run. Having this first period class will enable us to have morning runs built into our training, rather than something that some kids are able to do sometimes.

In the case of low volume runners, they will instead be encouraged to have a bike at the school, and go for a ride rather than run on some of the days. This will help their endurance and aerobic system, without the impact on their legs. If you have a lower mileage athlete, they will need to have a bike.


Another element that we have been emphasizing in our program is what I call "fueling" - in other words, eating enough. I want our kids to eat healthy, but, more importantly, eat enough. In many cases that is an issue. It's crazy how many calories these kids burn just by living with a high metabolism and with the mileage they put in. Fueling is a huge part of performance, recovery, and injury prevention.

With our first period class, the kids arranging breakfast for themselves afterwards can prove logistically difficult. In an effort to remove that hurdle in the kids' lives, I'm asking you, the parents, to sign up for a day to provide a breakfast for the team on each of our A day class practices. This will allow our kids to fuel more effectively, and, frankly, be a really cool bonding experience for the kids in the class, having breakfast together every other day. Everyone I've pitched this idea too thinks it sounds amazing, but will only work if you all are willing to take a day.

Basically you would bring breakfast to the school for the team to enjoy after their run. We will have it in the cafeteria. We currently have 60 people signed up for the class, but that will likely change a bit (in either direction) before the first day.

I know I'm asking you to sacrifice even more time and money than you already are, so please only sign up if you feel that you have the means and ability to make it happen. It is completely voluntary. The gratitude of the kids and us coaches for your help will be immense.

Here is my vision for the class, and where you all will come in with breakfast.

7:20 AM - class begins.

7:25 AM - easy run

8:00 AM - team breakfast - in the school cafeteria.

8:30 AM - dismiss kids to go get cleaned up, shower, change, etc.

8:45 PM - bell rings to go to MAPS


On Wednesdays we will start at 9:00 and have breakfast at 9:45.

If you are willing and able to provide a breakfast for the team, please sign up at the following link:

Obviously we ask that you prioritize the early days first so that we can get those filled.

Class expectations

We are going to begin class with attendance beginning at 7:20. We have to start a hair early so that we can have time to run, eat, and get cleaned up before the next class period.

Being in the class means that you are on the team, and are expected to be at after school practices as well, which will be every day at 2:40. The after school practices on A day will be shorter than in the past due to our morning runs. Practice will be between 1-2 hours on average.

I couldn't be more excited about what I think this period will do for our team. It's going to be so beneficial for training, and for our team culture.

As a class backed by the school, attendance is required. Not attending/participating will result in negative grades and citizenship. To get an A in the class, just show up and participate. Missing excessive class periods or not participating in the workouts will negatively impact the grade and citizenship. There will be a disclosure posted with more specifics next week.

If you have any questions about the class or anything else, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Coach Jacobson