Thursday, December 20, 2018

Winter Break Workouts

We will not meet as an organized team but we still want you getting in some workouts. Here are some workouts for the winter break by events.

Girls Sprints

Thursday December 20th
Sprints Workout:
Warm up jog: 5 min then sprint warm up drills
Circuit training:
Do three sets of each exercise for 45 seconds with one minute recovery in between each exercise.
Jumping jacks
Take a 5 min break before each set
End with 5 min abs

Friday December 21st
2 mile run

Wednesday December 26th
Warm up
4 X 4 X 60m @ 85-90% with 1 min recovery between repetitions and 5 min recovery between sets

Thursday December 27th
Warm up
Circuit training. Same as previous Thursday

Friday December 28th
Warm up
2 X 300 @ 85-90% 4 min recovery
2 X 100 walk back recovery
6 X 50 1 Min recovery
5 Min recovery between sets
Cool down & stretch

Monday December 31
Warm up
4 X 4 X 60m @ 85-90% with 1 min recovery between repetitions and 5 min recovery between sets.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Last Week of School Before Winter Break

Hey guys. Thanks to all those who are consistently coming out to practice. You will see the benefits of consistency. We will only meet twice this week. The other days, get some type of work out in on your own. We will not meet during Winter break but we will post workouts on the blog here so check back to find those workouts.

Cross Country - We have yearbook pictures on Tuesday the 18th at the Auditorium @ 2:45. If you could make it there that day, that would be great. Let's have everyone wear something from the spirit pack. Something that says Farmington Cross country (teal shirt, white shirt, jacket or hoodie).

Here is the schedule this week for everyone (all events)

Monday December 17th - No Practice - Get some cardio in on your own

Tuesday December 18th - 2:40 PM @ the weight room/indoor track

Wednesday December 19th - 2:40 PM @ the weight room/indoor track

Thursday December 20th No Practice - Get some type of strength workout in on your own

Sprints Workout:
Warm up jog: 5 min then sprint warm up drills
Circuit training:
Do three sets of each exercise for 45 seconds with one minute recovery in between each exercise.
Jumping jacks
Take a 5 min break before each set
End with 5 min abs

Friday December 21stNo Practice - Get some cardio in on your own

We will do a lot of our strength workouts through the app "Train Heroic." If you have a smart phone, download that app and create a profile. Based on your events, your coach will have a code you will type in to get on the "team."

Distance team, we will use the code "phoenixdistance" to join the team on Train Heroic.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

December 10th-15th

We have another week of indoor track practices. Thank to those who are coming out and telling your friends. Tell more friends and let's get this indoor track team built up. Distance kids I want you to do some cross training this week but I don't want you running quite yet, getting some other types of exercise in is great though. If you would like to come to practice on Thursday with the other track kids and start getting in some strength training you can.

Sprints/Hurdles/Throws/Jumps Schedule

Monday December 10th - No Practice - Get some cardio in on your own

Tuesday December 11th  - Practice @ 2:40 PM- Indoor track by the weight room

Wednesday December 12th - Practice @ 2:40 PM - Indoor track by the weight room

Thursday December 13th - Practice @ 2:40 PM - Indoor track by the weight room

Friday December 14th - No Practice - Get some cardio in on your own

Sunday, December 2, 2018


Thanks to all those who helped support our trip to California this past weekend. We had a successful trip and gained some great experience. All distance (cross country) kids will now take a little 2 week break before we start things back up for indoor. Take this upcoming week entirely off to reset our minds and bodies. Get caught up with schoolwork and everything else you need to do. We do have the Egg Nog Challenge this Friday at the soccer field so you can go to that if you would like to.

As for the rest of the track team we will continue some training this week so follow the following schedule for practices this week:

Schedule for Sprints/Jumps/Throws/Hurdles

Monday December 3rd - No Practice (Parent teacher conferences 3-7 PM)

Tuesday December 4th - Practice @ 2:40 PM (meet up by the weight room on the indoor track)

Wednesday December 5th - Practice @ 2:40 PM (meet up by the weight room on the indoor track)

Thursday December 6th - Practice @ 2:40 PM (meet up by the weight room on the indoor track)

Friday December 7th - No Practice - Egg Nog Challenge for those that want to participate

We will continue to practice the next few weeks until Christmas Break. We will really get into it when we come back from the break. A reminder for those doing outdoor track, you need to get your schedule changed to take the sports conditioning class 8th period next semester (track class).

Spread the word on indoor track and let's get some more people out. Let's have a great week.