Sunday, November 25, 2018

First Week of Indoor Track

Hopefully everyone had a great Thanksgiving last week and you are ready for a new week. We will be starting some indoor conditioning for any event. This is also the last week of XC as we will be heading to California on Thursday. Please follow the schedule below based on your event.

Monday November 26th - 2:40 PM @ Farmington High (Meet on the indoor track just outside the weightroom)
Thursday November 29th -  2:40 PM @ Farmington High (Meet on the indoor track just outside the weightroom)

XC/Distance Schedule
Monday November 26th - No practice - Run on your own 
Tuesday November 27th - 3:15 @ Farmington High 
Wednesday November 28th - No Practice - Run on your own
Thursday November 29th - Bus leaves Farmington High @ 6:05 AM for California

A few rules & reminders for those going to footlocker:

  • ***Everyone needs to have this DISTRICT TRAVEL FORM filled out and given to coach Brower ASAP. Thanks!
  • We are staying at La Quinta Inn & Suites in Pamona, CA
  • You will need money for food and snacks, other than the breakfast provided by the hotel
  • Don't forget your running shoes and racers. You might want road shoes or blank spikes in your spikes for the race.
  • You will be school excused, but still need to talk to your teachers and get any work missed.
  • You need to be caught up on classwork and assignments before you leave.
  • Do NOT test rules on this trip, especially in the hotels or you will be going home via parents.
  • We will get back to Farmington High sometime Sunday night.
  • Let's go have some fun, race hard, and be respectful and well-mannered while we are down there.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Thanksgiving Week

Sorry for the late post, we just moved and I don't have internet yet so sorry about that. We are going to start indoor training for all events next week after we come back from the break so look for the blog Sunday night to give you info on practice times for next week.

Distance, here is the schedule for this week:

Monday November 19th - No Practice, run on your own (4-5 miles)

Tuesday November 20th - 3:15 Practice @ Farmington High

Wednesday November 21st - No Practice, run on your own (3-4 miles)

Thursday November 22nd - Thanksgiving. No practice. Sign up for a 5k somewhere if you can, if you can't then do a 3 mile tempo.

Friday November 23rd - No Practice, run on your own (4-5 miles)

Saturday November 24th - No Practice - Do a workout later in the day if the snow clears up. If we can let's do 4 x 800 @ Goal race pace ( 3 min active recovery) and then 4 x 400s @ 5 seconds faster than race pace per 400 (90 seconds active rest). If the conditions sill aren't great to do speed let's get a 5 mile stamina run in. So NO PRACTICE.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

November 12-18th

Thanks to everyone who came out to our indoor track meeting. We will get started with practice for sprints, hurdles, throws, and jumps when we get back from Thanksgiving break. Check the blog to find practice times when we get back. Those that are on the distance team will will continue to train through until footlocker (which is only a few weeks away).

If you haven't signed up for the race for Footlocker make sure you do it ASAP. Starting tomorrow (Monday) the price goes up. Go HERE to sign up for the race.

Here is the distance schedule for the week:

Monday November 12th: No Practice - Run on your own

Tuesday November 13th: 3:15 PM @ Forbush Park

Wednesday November 14th: No Practice - Run on your own

Thursday November 15th: 3:15 PM @ Farmington High

Friday November 16th: No Practice - Run on your own

Saturday November 17th: Special Olympics 5k @ Jefferson Academy (1425 S Angel Street, Kaysville) @ 9 AM
Cost is free to enter. You can purchase a race shirt for $10. If you know who Hyrum Palmer is he is the one doing it for his eagle project. Great opportunity to get a race in and it's free.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Indoor Track Meeting

Thanks again to everyone who came and supported us at our banquet last week. It was a fun night to celebrate our first ever XC season. We are so excited for what is to come. This week we have a few workouts, a race, and our indoor track meeting. Tell your friends who are interested in doing some indoor track with us. We will meet on Wednesday, November 7th at 6:30 PM in the commons at the high school. Those going to footlocker please make sure you are coming to practice and if you haven't already, please pay for your trip at the main office. Thanks to those who have already paid.

I also will be taking room requests for Footlocker at this time. I need to have rooms figured out by Wednesday this week so please fill out this Room Request form if you have any requests for who to room with.

Schedule this week:

Monday November 5th: 3:15 PM @ Farmington High

Tuesday November 6th: No practice - Run on your own

Wednesday November 7th: Pre-Nike Race @ Layton Park @ 4:00 PM
There will just be one race (boys and girls at the same time) - there is no cost. Make sure you get there with time to warm up.

Indoor Track Meeting - 6:30 PM @ Farmington High Commons

Thursday November 8th: No practice - Run on your own

Friday November 9th: 3:15 PM @ Farmington High

Saturday November 10th: 8:00 AM @ Ponds Park