Wednesday, May 27, 2020

XC Parent meeting Recap

For those who either attended or missed our zoom call, here is the main info from our meeting:

1. Fill the Farmington Summer XC 2020 Registration form out if you are interested in joining our summer XC training program. 8th graders can train with us during the summer. $30 registration fee which will be applied to your MyDSD once you complete the registration form.
2. Summer practices will start June 8th @ FHS (Behind the East Bleachers)
Boys @ 7:00 AM
Girls @ 7:30 AM
3. Practice schedule will be posted on the blog so check the blog every Sunday night for an update on the weekly practice schedule.
4. Join "Farmington XC" on Strava if you aren't already in the group. EVERYONE log your miles there.
5. Important Dates to mark in your calendars:
**July 27th-29th - XC Camp - More info to come once we know what we are allowed to do.
**August 8th - Phoenix 5k - Fundraiser race
**August 10th - Time Trials @ FHS
**August 12th - First Race @ Highland Invite
6. Check the schedule/results tab for a TENTATIVE XC race schedule.
7. Eligibility - Due August 5th. See eligibility page for more info.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Summer XC 2020

Hey Farmington!!

What a wacky last few months we have had. First off, we want to say we are so sorry this past track season went the way it did. We feel for each of you and are so impressed with all of your abilities to  stick with it and train on your own. You are truly an inspiration to all of us coaches.

Moving forward here is the latest info for Summer XC:

  • XC parent meeting will be held Thursday, May 28th, 2020 @ 6:00 PM - Virtual Meeting - Zoom Call
  • We just got the green light to hold practice with numbers under 50 starting in June - This means we will start practices June 8th. Check back here to the blog for info on exact time and location. We will likely start meeting 3 times a week to begin.
  • Tentatively we have our (optional) cross country camp scheduled for July 27-29th. We are still waiting for official approval to proceed with this but throw that on the calendar as a tentative date for our camp.
  • August 8th is our Phoenix 5k. Put that on your calendars!!