Sunday, February 27, 2022

February 28th - March 5th

Outdoor track is officially here and we have some nicer weather coming at us this week. Still bring layers to practice just in case as you know the weather around here can change quickly. Thanks to everyone who has come out to track practice everyday. It is the expectation that you are there everyday. Every A day you should block out 2:40-5:00 PM and on B days, if you’re in the class, block out until 3:30 in case your practice goes longer. Please communicate with your event coach and fill out the “practice conflict form” anytime you have to miss practice for a RARE thing. This should not be something you fill out regularly. Please be at practice. Monday we will meet with the group captains during lunch and assign them a group of kids to keep track of for attendance. You will find out who you have at practice Monday. This is the captain you should report to when something comes up. They will mark attendance each day so we will know who is at practice and who isn’t.

If you have anything to finish for eligibility, please take care of that this week. Our Spring Sports Physical night will be this Wednesday from 6-8 PM. The cost will be $25 and everything goes back to our training room to stock up supplies. Cash, check or credit card will be accepted. Please come with your physical papers filled out and ready to go. If you need a copy of the physical needed, check the eligibility page for the forms. 

This week we will have a time trial on Tuesday to run through some events and get some times down. We won’t run every event but a majority so we can get an idea where we are and help gear us up for our first meet on Thursday March 10th at home against Layton. If you haven’t already, please go look at the schedule/results page and put our meets on your calendar so you know when they are. The dual region meets will mostly be JV meets with the italicized meets marked as varsity meets. At these ones, we can only take a certain amount of athletes to or they may have standards in order to qualify for them. More info on these will come out the week of the meet. 

Weekly Practice Schedule:

Monday February 28th - 1:10 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs (or right after school for those not in the track class)

Tuesday March 1st - 2:40 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs 
Time Trials

Wednesday March 2nd - 1:25 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs (or right after school for those not in the track class)
6-8 PM - Physical night at FHS

Thursday March 3rd - 2:40 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs

Friday March 4th -  1:10 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs (or right after school for those not in the track class)

Saturday March 5th - On your own - Check Train Heroic

Monday, February 21, 2022

February 21st - February 26th

We are officially moving out of Indoor season and going to outdoor season. Please make sure you are at practice every day. Every A day will be after school at 2:40 and every B day will be during track class at 1:10 PM and for those not in the class, meet after school ASAP out on the track.

Also shout out to Henry Prusse for performing well at a HUGE indoor meet in Colorado. With some great competition and at a higher elevation, Henry was able to come home with a 2nd place finish in the 400 (51.22) and a 5th place finish in the 800 (1:58.87). Great job Henry!

We are also starting our Track T-Shirt order. If you are interested in purchasing a track shirt for this upcoming season or if you have parents/family/friends who want to purchase a shirt, we will be doing an order here through the school. Fill out this link to put in an order. The shirts will cost $12 and I will invoice your MyDSD so you can pay for them online through there. 2022 Farmington Track Shirt Order Form.


Weekly Practice Schedule

Monday February 21st - No School - No Practice

Tuesday February 22nd - 1:10 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs

Wednesday February 23rd - 2:40 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs

Thursday February 24th - 1:10 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs

Friday February 25th - 2:40 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs

Saturday February 26th - On your own - Check Train Heroic

Sunday, February 13, 2022

February 14th-19th

What another great weekend of competition at the UHSTCA Indoor Championships to wrap up our indoor season. We saw some more great performances and some awesome Farm-Town representation. Congrats to Henry Prusse for taking 2nd in the 400 and 800 (50.02, 1:56.97), Marianne Barber for winning the 200 & 400 (24.40, 56.63) and taking 3rd in the 60 (7.70), Ethan Peterson for taking 3rd in the 1600 (4:18.27), Katrina Hirst for taking 6th in the 60 Hurdles (9.83), Ryan Bennett for taking 7th in the 3200 (9:40.03) and Skye Siddoway for taking 6th in the 800 (2:26.74). Results can be found here: 2022 UHSTCA Indoor Championships Results

This is our last official week of Indoor before we begin outdoor so please make sure your schedules are set to be at practice every day for sure starting Monday the 21st. Every A day practice will be at 2:40 and every B day it will be during track class or just right after school if you are not in the class. Tell your friends. Our first meet is 3.5 weeks away and we need those who haven't been training with us to get to practice so we can be ready for the season. 

As Outdoor quickly approaches I need EVERYONE to do your ELIGIBILITY. Please don't wait. We only have a fraction of those doing track who have actually done everything they need to. If you do not get this done, you will not be able to join the track team, even if you have done it before with us or are a varsity athlete. No exceptions, please get it done. 

We are also starting our Track T-Shirt order. If you are interested in purchasing a track shirt for this upcoming season or if you have parents/family/friends who want to purchase a shirt, we will be doing an order here through the school. Fill out this link to put in an order. The shirts will cost $12 and I will invoice your MyDSD so you can pay for them online through there. 2022 Farmington Track Shirt Order Form.

We are half way through midterms as the end of the 3rd term will be on March 17th. Please make sure you are caught up in your classes and if you are in jeopardy of getting a U from a teacher, talk to them and see if you can make it up before the end of the term to make up that U before you even get it.

Weekly Practice Schedule:

Monday February 14th - No Practice, Happy V-Day - Check Train Heroic for workouts

Tuesday February 15th - 1:10 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs

Wednesday February 16th - 2:40 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs

Thursday February 17th - 1:10 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs

Friday February 18th - 2:40 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs

Saturday February 19th - On your own - Check Train Heroic

Sunday, February 6, 2022

February 7th-12th - UHSTCA Indoor Championships

We had another great week of training and saw some great performances at the Utah Distance Challenge this past Friday. Congrats to Henry Prusse for his 2nd place finish in the 800 with a time of 1:57.89. Congrats also to Ethan Peterson for placing 3rd in the 1600 with a time of 4:22.09. Marianne Barber also placed 2nd in the 400 with a time of 57.58. Freshman Skye Siddoway was 9th in the 800 with a 2:30.68. Congrats to all. We saw some great times for this early in the season with some individuals hitting PRs. Great job guys! Results can be found here: 2022 Utah Distance Challenge Results

This week we have the 2022 UHSTCA Indoor Championships back at the ice oval in Kearns. This meet will have a lot more events and will span over 2 days this Friday and Saturday. While it says "championships" it really is just another meet so don't feel like it's only for really fast people, anyone can sign up. Registration closes on Wednesday night so I need to have everyone who would like to compete sign up through this link by Wednesday night at 8:00 PM. Otherwise I cannot guarantee registration and you will have to sign yourself up. If you fill this link out before Wednesday night at 8 PM I will sign you up and pay for the race. 2022 UHSTCA Indoor Championships Registration.

We also have our team shop up and running and will go through until Monday night at midnight. If you don't place your order before it closes you will not be able to order anything. This is optional and will be a parent lead thing not affiliated with the school. Sidney Christy is in charge of this so if you have questions please reach out to her: If you want to purchase gear you may do so from this link: 2022 Farmington Track Team Store

If you could also please get on and get your eligibility at least started so we can begin the process of clearing everyone with their eligibility that would be helpful. A date on the sports physical night is still coming for those that would like to do it then I will keep you posted once I hear. If you need a physical and have one scheduled with your doctor, that is great as well. I need the physical or hard copy of your physical turned it to me. 

Weekly Practice Schedule:

Monday February 7th - 1:10 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs

Tuesday February 8th - 2:40 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs

Wednesday February 9th - On Your Own - Practice ACT Day - Check Train Heroic

Thursday February 10th - 2:40 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs

Friday February 11thUHSTCA Indoor Championships @ Kearns Ice Oval for those competing, those not competing, we will have track class during 8th period @ 1:10 PM.

Friday Field Events: ~ Means approximate, may be sooner, may be later. It will be at the conclusion of the previous event. 

3:00 pm Check in all Field Events (At Ice Oval) 

4:00 pm- Girls’ Long Jump (ice oval) 14’ minimum 

4:00 PM- Girls’ Pole Vault (ice oval) opening 7’ (heights at discretion of official) 

~5:30 pm- Boys’ Long Jump (ice oval) 17’ minimum 

~6:30 pm- Boys' Pole Vault (ice oval) (heights at discretion of official) 

Friday Track Events: - Girls then boys, fastest heats first. ~ Means approximate, may be sooner, may be later. It will be at the conclusion of the previous event. 

3:00 pm Track open for warm ups

4:00 pm 1600 m Run

~7:00 pm 400 m Dash

~8:45 pm 4 X 800 m Relay

Saturday February 12th - UHSTCA Indoor Championships @ Kearns Ice Oval - or On your own if not competing. Check train heroic. 

Saturday Track Events: - Girls then boys, fastest heats first. ~ Means approximate, may be sooner, may be later. It will be at the conclusion of the previous event. 

8:00 am track open for warm ups

9:00 am 60 m Hurdles prelims

~9:45 am 60 m Dash prelims

~11:15 am 4 X 200 m Relay

~12:00 pm 60 m Hurdles finals

~12:15 pm 60 m Dash finals

~12:20 pm 800 m Run

~1:15 pm 200 m Dash

~3:15 pm 3200 m Run

~5:00 pm 4 X 400 m Relay