Sunday, January 27, 2019

Weber State Invitational

Great job to all those who participated at the Oval this past weekend. Results can be found on the schedule/results page or they can be found here. This week we have another meet at Weber State. All the field events will be held on Friday and all running/track events will be held on Saturday starting at 9 AM. They don't have a schedule of  exactly when things will start and that is how most track meets will be. They'll start at a certain time and will get to the next event as soon as they can.

The coaches will sign you up for this meet so make sure you tell your event coach what you would like to do. More information on the schedule will be posted below but here is the link for info on the meet.

I have also been asked lots of questions regarding Simplot coming up in a few weeks up in Pocatello. If you would like to go you will need to find your own way up there and you will just sign yourself up individually if you are wanting to go (registration closes February 10th). Most events are going to be on Thursday and Friday and then have finals on Saturday for those that make it. You will need to purchase a USATF membership ($20) for insurance purposes if you don't have one already. This is totally optional to go but it is a big indoor meet that has some great competition.

If you haven't already and are planning on doing outdoor track, please make sure you complete an application on Register My Athlete. Also please pay your $50 for indoor track (into the track account) at the main office for those that haven't yet.

Schedule for the week:

Monday January 28th - 1:10 PM (8th period) practice @ HS Weight Room

Tuesday January 29th - 2:40 PM @ HS Weight room

Wednesday January 30th - 1:10 PM (8th period) practice @ HS Weight Room

Thursday January 31st -2:40 PM @ HS Weight room

Friday February 1st - 1:10 PM (8th period) practice @ HS Weight Room
Weber State Indoor Invitational -Spikes allowed Friday
Stromberg Complex (Weber State University, 1435 Village Drive, Ogden UT 84408)

4:30pm Girls Long Jump: Trials and Finals (Boys to Follow)
4:30pm Boys & Girls Shot Put: Trials and Finals (Two Rings)
6:30pm Girls High Jump (Boys to Follow)
6:30pm Pole Vault (Girls begin at 6’06, Boys join at 9’06)

Saturday February 2nd - Weber State Indoor Invitational - NO SPIKES ALLOWED for Saturday
Stromberg Complex (Weber State University, 1435 Village Drive, Ogden UT 84408)
Meet begins at 9:00am – Events will proceed in the following order: Girls Run First in All Events 9:00am 
55m Hurdles
55m Dash
3200m Run
55m Hurdles Finals (1 Heat - Top 6)
55m Dash Finals (1 Heat - Top 6)
400m Dash
800m Run
200m Dash
1600m Run
4 x 400m Relay
4 x 800m Relay

Sunday, January 20, 2019

UHSTCA Indoor Championships

Great job to those that competed this weekend at BYU. We are doing very well with the early season. Keep up the hard work, it will pay off. This week we have another meet at the Olympic Oval in Kearns and this is the UHSTCA Indoor Championships. They will have all events going so everyone is welcome to compete. I am able to sign everyone up for this meet so please make sure you talk to your event coach or me to let us know if you are planning on competing on Friday or Saturday. See information below for the meet. **Also, In order to compete you must fill out this liability form online**

With outdoor track coming up in about a month, we need everyone who is interested in participating in outdoor track to get on Register My Athlete and complete their registration on there. If you have done this for a different sport you still must do this for outdoor track. Please go to RMA and complete the registration now.

Another reminder to please pay your $50 to the office if you haven't already.

Here is the weekly schedule:

Monday January 21st - MLK Day No organized practice. Get in a run on your own.

Tuesday January 22nd - 1:05 PM (8th period) practice @ HS Weight Room

Wednesday January 23rd - 2:40 PM @ HS Weight room

Thursday January 24th - 1:05 PM (8th period) practice @ HS Weight Room

Friday January 25th - UHSTCA Indoor Championships @ Kearns Olympic Oval
**In order to compete you must fill out this liability form online**

Track Events
3:00pm Track open /packet pickup       
4:00 pm
1600 M Run - Last year 1600 started at 4:05 for girls, 5:42 for boys   
400 M Dash - Last year started at 7:06 for girls & 7:50 for boys
4 X 800 M Relay - Last year started at 8:46 for girls and 9:15 for boys

Field Events
3:00 pm Check in all Field Events (At Ice Oval)
4:00 pm- Girls’ Shot Put (Kearns Rec Center) 25’ minimum
Girls’ Long Jump (ice oval) 14’ minimum
Boys’ High Jump (Kearns Rec Center) 5’ 2 opening
Girls’ Pole Vault (ice oval) 6’ 6, 7’ 2, 7’ 10, 8’ 6, then raised 6”
About 5:30 pm- Boys’ Long Jump (ice oval) 17’ minimum
About 6:00 pm- Boys’ Shot Put (Kearns Rec Center) 35’ minimum
Girls’ High Jump (Kearns Rec Center) 4’ 4 opening
Boy’s Pole Vault (ice oval) 8’ 6, 9’ 2, 9’ 10, 10’ 6 then raised 6”
About 8:30 pm- Boys’ and Girls’ Triple Jump no minimums

Saturday January 26th - UHSTCA Indoor Championships @ Kearns Olympic Oval
**In order to compete you must fill out this liability form online**

Track Events
8:00 am Track Open
9:00 am-
60m HH Prelims - Last year started at 9 for girls and 9:26 for boys
60m Dash Prelims Last year started at 9:46 for girls and 10:25 for boys
4 x 200m Relay - Last year started at 11:24 for girls and 11:45 for boys
60m HH Finals - Last year started at 12:01 for girls and 12:07 for boys
60m Dash Finals -Last year started at 12:14 for girls and 12:19 for boys
800m Run - Last year started at 12:20 for girls and 12:40 for boys
200m Dash - Last year started at 1:19 for girls and 2:15 for boys
3200m Run - Last year started at 3:14 for girls and 4:04 for boys
4 x 400m Relay - Last year started at 5:09 for girls and 5:26 for boys

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Track Class!!

Great job to everyone who participated in the distance challenge at the oval last Friday. Results can be found HERE. We had some great performances and it was a great place to see where we are starting. Remember it is still very early and we shouldn't expect to be running the best times right now. We will get there. Make sure you trust your coaches and keep putting in consistent hard work. This week we start our track class on B days so we will have practice a little earlier on Tuesday and Thursday of this week. If you aren't enrolled in the 8th period team conditioning class (track class) please do so this week.

If you have any incompletes in any of your classes you need to get those made up ASAP. If you don't do anything within 2 weeks it will turn to an F. Please make sure you are academically eligible to compete. If you haven't paid your $50 for indoor track please make sure to pay that to the office.

We also have another meet going on this Friday and Saturday. It is at BYU and there are events for all athletes. Information about this meet is posted on Friday but you need to sign up online before the meet there will NOT be any day of meet registration. Follow instructions on to sign up.

Here is the schedule this week:

Monday January 14th - No organized practice. Get in a run on your own.

Tuesday January 15th - 1:05 PM (8th period) practice @ HS Weight Room

Wednesday January 16th - 2:40 PM @ HS Weight room

Thursday January 17th - 1:05 PM (8th period) practice @ HS Weight Room

Friday January 18th - BYU High School Invitational @ BYU Smith Fieldhouse
The Friday evening session will consist of the 2-mile and all field events. 

 3:15 pm – 2 Mile check-in opens
 3:45 pm – 2 Mile check-in closes for seeding
 4:00 pm – 2 Mile (Girls first, then Boys)
 5:00 pm – Girl’s Shot Put
 5:00 pm – Boy's Shot Put, Boy's Weight to follow, Girl's Weight to follow.
 5:00 pm – Girl's Pole Vault, Boy's to follow
 5:00 pm – Boy's High Jump, Girl's to follow
 5:00 pm – Girl's Long Jump, Boy's to follow

Saturday January 19th - BYU High School Invitational @ BYU Smith Fieldhouse
The Saturday session will consist of all other running events.

 8:00 am start (Girls first, then Boys)
  1 Mile
  60M Hurdle Trials
  60M Trials
  400 M Timed Finals
  60M Hurdle Finals (top 9)
  60M Finals (top 8)
  800M Timed Finals
  200M Timed Finals
  Coach's Mile Run (coed)
  4 x 1 lap Relay (up to 16 teams)

Predicted start times based on past years are at the bottom of the link above. You must pre-register online at Runnercard. Cost for spectators is $6. You do not have to go to this meet but it's a great opportunity to see where we are at this early. Like last week there will not be a bus so if you are interested in going you will need to find your own ride there. Thanks guys and remember to keep recruiting your friends to come out for track. 

Sunday, January 6, 2019

First Indoor Meet

Hey guys! Hopefully you all had a great weekend and are ready to keep getting after it. This is the last week we will have the schedule we do because starting next week we will have practice at 1:00 PM on B days and then A days we will meet after school at 2:40 PM. We will continue with our current schedule of getting some strength training in and here in a few weeks we will start doing some event specific training. Also, if you haven't already, can you please pay your $50 to the main office into the "track" account for the indoor season that would be great. Thanks!

We do have our first meet this week in Kearns at the Olympic Oval. This is a "Distance Challenge" so there are mainly just distance races, sprinters if you want to run a 400 M there will be that at the meet but all the other events are distance oriented. As for transportation to the meet, you will need to find your own ride there. You do not have to go but if you can make it this is a great start to the track season. Look below for more information regarding the meet.

Here is the schedule for everyone this week:

Monday January 7th - No Organized practice - get a run in on your own

Tuesday January 8th - 2:40 @ Farmington High Weight Room

Wednesday January 9th - 2:40 @ Farmington High Weight Room

Thursday January 10th - 2:40 @ Farmington High Weight Room

Friday January 11th - Utah Distance Challenge @ the Olympic Oval (5662 Cougar Lane, Kearns)


3:30 PM                    Track open for warm-up
4:30 PM                    Girls 1600 M
5:45 PM                    Boys 1600 M
7:00 PM                   Girls 400 M
7:30 PM                    Boys 400 M
8:00 PM                    Girls 800 M
8:20 PM                    Boys 800 M
8:40 PM                    Girls 3200 M
9:00 PM                    Boys 3200 M

$5 per athlete—covers all events (CASH OR CHECK ONLY) Registration and seeding will take place at the Oval on the day of the meet. No pre-registration is required. There is no cost to coaches or spectators. Checks should be made out to ‘Utah Distance Challenge’.
1. We will run the fast heat first in each event. Races will not begin before the scheduled time, but may start late based on the number of participants.
2. 3/16 inch pyramid spikes. The same spikes are required in two weeks at the UHSTCA Meet. Spikes may only be worn on the track surface. Remove your spikes when leaving the track.
3. Athletes need to be at the starting line for check-in 15 minutes prior to their event. The seeding for each event will take place at the starting line.
4. We have permission from the Olympic Oval to bring in our own food, but need to be sure to clean up after ourselves.
5. Runners from states other than Utah and 8th Graders are invited to participate.
6. The top 6-8 heats of the 400m Dash will be run in lanes with 4 runners per heat. The remaining heats will be waterfall starts with 6-8 runners per heat.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2019 is Here!!

Hey guys. Hopefully you enjoyed the Winter break and got some workouts in. We will really start getting in to it pretty soon. We will meet this week a few times and then we will start getting in to some meets next week. More details will follow regarding those meets.

Here is the plan for this week:

Distance, Sprints, Jumps, Hurdles, Throws (Everyone)

Wednesday January 2nd - Practice @ 2:40 - High School Weight Room

Thursday January 3rd - Practice @ 2:40 - High School Weight Room

Friday January 4th - Get in a run/workout on your own

Saturday January 5th - Get in a run/workout on your own

Next week will be the last week of the semester so the following week we will start doing practice during 8th period (Track class). If you aren't already in that class, try to get your schedule changed so that you can take that class.