Sunday, June 18, 2023

6/18 update


I want to thank everyone who helped with the Jr. Phoenix Track Camp over the bast few days. It's like a 8 hour commitment over the 3 days, but it's a good fundraiser for our program. It will help us buy hurdles, poles, blocks, flags, etc.

The schedule this week is somewhat different. We won't be practicing tomorrow due to the holiday, so we will instead practice Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday. See below for the locations. Maps will be uploaded in before Tuesday.

Not all of you have filled out the form for the summer t-shirt (included in your $50 summer fee (which I haven't uploaded yet, but will soon)), so if you haven't, please fill out this form. This will be the last call, so you might get stuck with the wrong size if you don't fill it out.

As always, if you have any questions please let me know.

Coach Jacobson

DayDateLocationTypeTotal Mileage For Max
Week 3 - 70%
MonJune 19(on own)DIstance Run/Cross Train; 6 x 100m strides5-75-64-64-53-53-42-42-30.0
TuesJune 20Heritage ParkDistance Run with 15-45s fartleks (up to 5k pace); strides6-86-75-65-64-64-53-53-42-4
WedJune 21VitaDistance Run8.07.36-76.06.05-64-54.03-4
ThursJune 22(on own)Distance run/Cross Train/ strides3-53-43-
FriJune 23Freedom HIlls Parkdistance Run; 6x15s hill sprints6-86-75-65-64-63-53-42-42-4
SatJune 24(on own)Long Run - progressive finish for the last 15 minutes10.
SunJune 25Off Day
Weekly Volume4238.53531.52824.52117.514