Sunday, June 11, 2023

6/11 update


We are to our first full week of summer training. It was nice to get back with the team again after a few weeks off. I also love to see all the new faces that we have.

As we get going into summer, it's important to remember that this is the most important time of the year. Trying to make up for lost time later won't make up for time missed now. What we do now will pay dividends later. That said, if you have to miss days for injury or illness, you're better off recovering than trying to force anything. When you go out of town with family or friends, make time to run - even if that means waking up early. 

Team Meals

This Wednesday, 6/14 we will be having a team breakfast after we run at Vita at Heritage park in Kaysville, which is only a few minutes away from Vita. We encourage the kids to bring $2 to help offset costs for those hosting. I would anticipate 80ish kids.

Parents, if you'd like to play host to the team for a team dinner or breakfast, please sign up here. There are still many openings.

If it says "location tbd" on the site, that means you can choose where to host it. 

Summer T-Shirt

The shirt for summer is still being designed, but everyone who pays the $50 summer fee (which will be uploaded to mydsd at some point) will receive a shirt. If you'd like to select your size, please fill out this form

Junior Phoenix Track Camp

The Junior Phoenix Track Camp will be Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 9-11 AM. This is a fundraiser for our team. We will have 5 stations for the kids to rotate through, and in each station we will teach them basic skills related to track, namely Distance, Sprints, Hurdles, Throws, and Jumps.

We could use everyone's help to make sure it goes smoothly. There are almost 100 kids who have signed up, so we will divide them into groups. Those who come help will help at one of the stations, and generally help the kids have a good time. 

On Saturday it will be a mini meet for the kids. We'll get the timing system out and have the kids race in several events. It will be a lot of fun. 

Weekly Schedule

Please note that the parking lot at Vita is under construction, so if you arrive early you may be able to park on the street, otherwise you may have to park further down and run up. I also encourage carpooling where possible to reduce congestion. On Saturday there were some people whose vehicles didn't allow the gate to open (it opens outward) and they were ticketed, so park on the street further down.

Maps for the week will be posted before Monday.

DayDateLocationTypeTotal Mileage For Max
Week 2 - 60% of Max Mileage
MonJune 12Pioneer ParkDistance Run + 6x100m strides5-64-64-53-43-42-42-32-42-3
June 13(on own)Distance Run/Cross Train5-75-64-64-53-53-
WedJune 14VitaDistance Run7.36-76-76-75-64-54-53-43
ThursJune 15(on own) Track camp at 9Easy run/Cross Train33.
FriJune 16FHS (track camp at 9)Distance Run + 4x10s hill sprints4-64-54-53-43-42-42-43-42-3
SatJune 17(on own) Track camp at 9Distance run - 10-30 minute stamina for 45-60 mpw9.
SunJune 18Off Day
Weekly Volume363330272421181512