Sunday, April 30, 2023

4/30 update


Great job to all those who competed at the Davis Invitational. There were many terrific times/marks and it was a lot of fun spending the day watching you all push yourselves to the limit. Although it was super hot, there were a ton of PRs. In the distance events alone there were PRs on average of about 8 seconds. It was a lot of fun to see the hard work pay off.

We are down to the final 3 weeks of the season, if you can believe it.

This week

South End Jr. High Championships @ Farmington High, Monday 5/1.

We will be hosting the South End Jr High meet on Monday. The meet will begin with field events at 2 PM, running events at 3 PM. Those in the 8th period class are expected to come out right at 1:05 and begin setting up for the meet. We will meet together to talk briefly about what set up needs to be done, scan in, then begin setting up. When everything is concluded, including clean up, we will scan out and dismiss. I'm hoping all of that is done before 8, and optimistically before 7.

Here is the list of your assignments for the meet. 

BYU Invitational

The BYU meet information can be found here. In order to attend this meet you need to have hit a qualifying mark at a state qualifying meet. That limits our entries pretty substantially, but we are still expecting to bring a strong team down. If you've hit one of the marks this weekend, and you'd like to go, please let me know ASAP so I can get you entered.

Please note that it is a 2-day meet, with laned events having trials on Friday then finals on Saturday.

There will not be a bus going down to this meet, so transportation will be on your own. If you attend the meet on Friday your absences will be school excused.

Team Dinner

We will be having a team dinner this Thursday, again at 6 PM at the school. We need another couple of volunteers to bring noodles, so if you can help please let me know or sign up on the sign up genius.

Next Week

Region Championships @ Davis High, Wednesday/Thursday

The region championships will be held on 5/10 and 11. A meet schedule will be posted when available.

Once again we are limited on entries. The priority of entries will basically be cascading down based on who has the best chance of scoring in the meet, and on down until we are out of entries. Thankfully, many of you will be able to compete there.

The final week

Sophomore Region, 5/15 @ Farmington High

Sophomore region is a chance for those who didn't compete at region (primarily sophomores) to have a chance to compete against their peers. I'm not 100% sure on the rules here, but it seems in the past they've allowed others besides just sophomores to compete. If you've qualified for state, you will absolutely not be competing at this meet. More info to come.

State Championships 5/18, 20 @ BYU

The state championships will be held on Thursday 5/18 and Saturday 5/20 at BYU. There will be a bus going to this meet, and everyone is encouraged to come. It is not mandatory to ride the bus to state, but it is available. The state meet will over partial extra credit for the track class to anyone who comes to support, and there will be one more opportunity for extra credit after state.

Looking forward to the final stretch! Keep after it, good things are ahead.

Coach Jacobson