We've had another solid week of training, and I'm eager to see you all compete. I've been pleased with the effort and consistency from most of you. However, too many kids have missed at least one practice this week. Missing practices is not the strat to reaching your full potential, and it weakens our team. Arrange your schedules, your school work, etc., so that you can be at each practice.
The end of term has come, and with it, a reset of eligibility. If you have more than 1 F, and "U"s, or a GPA below 2.0, you are not eligible to compete. The Us can be cleared, and must be before you can compete, but the others are basically set in stone barring some very extenuating circumstances.
There is no school on Monday but we will still be practicing. We are scheduled on the field for 1 PM. This is our final workout before our first meet, and will be essential for relays, blocks, fitness, etc., so be sure to show up on time ready to roll.
First Meet
Speaking of eligibility, you must have met the above criteria and you MUST be completed and approved on register my athlete or you WILL NOT be competing on Wednesday at Fremont. If you don't have it done cleared by Tuesday, we won't be entering you. That means everything should be entered and done by MONDAY. ("Why all the caps, coach? Are you mad?" No, I'm not mad, I just want to be as clear as possible so no one acts surprised that their register my athlete isn't completed. If it says completed in green next to your name, under track, then, and only then, are you good to go.)
Do you know how many people haven't even selected track on register my athlete? A whole host of people. 12 girls and 19 boys. Please tell me that's a joke. Half of them are xc kids that I know have an account they just haven't selected track yet. You can't think you have nothing to do on there just because you did another sport, you need to go on and check that you've selected track.
I'm ranting at this point, and yet still there will be people who don't do it correctly, and they won't be entered into the meet.
Anyway, the meet this week is on Wednesday 3/12 at Fremont. There will be buses going to Fremont, departing from the west side of the school at 1:30. If anyone chooses alternate means of transportation, that is acceptable if we do not have space on the bus. You may also right with a parent.
The meet will last several hours, but the end time is never predetermined.
Entries for the meet will be done on Sporttrax. You should always check sporttrax to make sure you are entered when you ought to be, or not if you shouldn't. You should also claim your profile on sporttrax through this link.
For these small meets, everyone can go and compete. If you are in a field event, you should be in the habit of talking to your coaches and letting them know which field events you want to do. You should check sporttrax and make sure that is correct prior to the meet as well.
Hoodies, Sweats, t shirts
If you have not already filled out the form for the hoodies and sweats, I've extended the time to do so. The reason I've done that is that I still have a few extras here in my room that I can give you right now, if you request the correct sizes. Some of you didn't fill it out, so I am going to order a medium for you, unless you fill this out by Monday.
Form for hoodie, sweats, t shirt
Form for hoodie, sweats, t shirt
Most of you have your uniforms by now, but if you don't yet, we will be handing them out Wednesday before the meet. If you haven't paid your fees by Wednesday at 7:30 AM however, you won't be getting a uniform. I can't keep checking repeatedly who has paid the fees, so I'll print the list for this meet on Wednesday at 7:30. If you happen to not have fees loaded to your account, let me know and I will get those added.
As always, if you have any questions, please let me know.
Coach Jacobson