Sunday, July 21, 2024

7/21 update


I'm encouraged by the work that we put in this week, I think we are heading in the right direction. It's going to take consistency from here forward to be able to reach our goals. Consistency is more important that dominating a particular workout, especially if you are unable to follow up that workout with consistent recovery. 

So many of you are finding time on your own to get out and run, and it just warms my old heart. Keep it up. Mark that down as something you love to see.

Deseret News Races

This week is a little odd with the 24th of July holiday. 

(BTW, if you know me, you know minor details are really important to me. So a note about the 24th. We're celebrating Pioneer Day on the 24th, when they arrived in the Salt Lake Valley, then part of Mexico, the grand old year of 1847. What we aren't celebrating is Utah Statehood. That's in January. Please keep that straight haha.) 

We won't be going to Vita as a group on Wednesday, because there are some races in SLC in which some are opting to participate, including three coaches, Jason, Cynthia, and me. 

By the way... speaking of the Des News Races. Our two coaches running are something of legends on the course (don't ask about the third coach). This race is huge, in all distances. Some of the best runners in Utah, ever, and other states pull up for this race. 

Jason has raced the course over 10 times, and he WON the 10k in 2016 AND 2017 going sub 29 minutes. That is crazy.

Not long after Jason's wins, in 2018, Cynthia WON the half marathon with a 1:15, and she finished 3rd in the 10k, in 34 minutes, ELEVEN YEARS before that! Lest it sound like I'm saying she's old, what I'm saying is her ability to compete at a high level for so many years is superhuman.

And these times are BC (before Carbon-fiber shoes). You can take off a fair amount of time if they had had those. (*the bc joke is credited to Jason, btw haha).

Not only are they cracked at running, they're very knowledgeable and genuinely incredibly nice and good people. I encourage you to talk to them about their running and their experiences at every opportunity. So much wisdom to gain from them.

Anyway, if you want to race you can find the information at 10K - Deseret News Marathon and there is a discount code of DN_HS24 for like $20 off now. It's completely optional, you'll be responsible for knowing all the details of transportation, location, race times, etc. It's all online. It's a lot of fun though. The post race festivities are a good time.

This week

We don't have a team breakfast lined up for this week, because we were intending to go to camp, which, again, was cancelled. If you'd like to host a breakfast on Saturday, please reach out and let me know. 

I'm considering a group run up Mueller on Thursday, like at 7:30 or something, so stay tuned for that. We need to find a day for some heat training pickleball as well.

DayDateLocationTypeTotal Mileage For Max
Week 8 - 100%
MonJuly 22Forbush ParkMile/half mile Hill grinders8/37/36/36-75-64-54-54-53-4
TuesJuly 23(on own)Distance run8-97-86-76-76-75-64-54-64-5
WedJuly 24Des News Races or on ownDistance Run10.09-108-97-86-75-65-64-63-4
ThursJuly 25(on own) - mueller??Distance Run, Strides (7-9)8/37/36/36-75-64-54-50.00.0
FriJuly 26Heritage Parksteady/tempo alternations7-97-86-765-64-54-554
SatJuly 27(on own)Long run13.
SunJuly 28Off Day
Weekly Volume605550454035302520

Wait, there's more?

The season is nearly upon us, please make sure you have completed your registration to compete, or you will not be able to race. The information for registration is on our website, and can be found here.

As a reminder, you cannot compete if you have an U's on your citizenship, or if you had more than 1 F during 4th term, or if you had a GPA less than 2.0.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Coach Jacobson