Thursday, May 23, 2024

Cross Country 2024


Welcome to Farmington High Cross Country

For those interested in doing cross country this year we will be starting up practices in the summer time Starting Wednesday June 5th. We will first meet at the school, check the blog weekly for weekly practice schedules with times and locations. If you are interested in signing up for summer training, please fill this form out: 2024 Farmington Cross Country Summer Training Registration

Parents can receive updates about the season by joining the following groupme (announcements only). I will post links to our website with the updated information. If you do not want to be in the groupme you can check our website, but it's a bit harder to know when the information will be posted.

At the conclusion of summer training our official season will begin on August 5th. Training will fluctuate between mornings and afternoons until school begins, at which point practices will be held during 1st period and after school. More on that below.

Team Goals

We want to have a team that is capable of competing for and winning region and state championships each year. We also want our teams to be able to qualify for nationals each year. To get there we need to have individuals who support and cheer for their teammates success. We want our team to be positive and optimistic, both with themselves and with the team as a whole. If we can care about our teammates, bring positivity and optimism each day, then we will be an excellent team, not just on the course, but off it as well. And ultimately that is the most rewarding aspect of this sport: the relationships you build through all the shared miles.

Summer Practice Starts:

Wednesday, June 5th, 7 AM @ FHS (Between the school and the stadium - note that this is a different spot than past years)

Summer Training

Summer practices will be held most Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday beginning at 7 AM. The purpose of summer is to build a base and strengthen the team. We will steadily build up weekly mileage in preparation for the fall racing season. Mileage will be determined namely by a "percentage" of a maximum volume which will be individualized depending on the athletes' experience and current fitness level. Many of our returning boys will work up to 50ish miles per week, and the returning girls will work towards 40ish miles per week. Newer runners will be somewhere between 20-40, but again, will be built up beginning from about 50% of their max mileage. Daily mileage will be given based on the weekly total one is shooting for. 

The goal is to build a base, not over-work the athletes, so the majority of the mileage will be easy/moderate without hard/intense miles. Closer to August we will start to incorporate more "race-specific" workouts to get them prepared for races and being at their best for region, state, and beyond. 

Generally, on Mondays and Fridays we will meet at various parks and begin our runs from there. On Wednesdays we plan to meet at "Vita" (the Bonneville shoreline trail beginning near the animal shelter in Kaysville). 

Saturdays will be captain led practices. Saturdays are designed as long runs. It is probably the most important day of the week, each week. To help our athletes have the Saturday morning motivation we would like to have team breakfasts after each Saturday run, so we are asking parents to volunteer for 1 of the 8 Saturdays this summer to host the team for a breakfast after their run, either at your home or a park of your choosing. Please sign up as soon as you can so we can send out the location for the run. 

Farmington XC: Summer Breakfasts and Dinners (

Summer Cost:
Summer Cross Country Cost = $50 
-Includes participation in summer training and a BSN technical t-shirt
*Anyone 8th-12th grade is welcome to come train with us during the summer whether you are doing the fall season with us or not. 8th graders are only able to train in the summer. Once the season starts, 8th graders cannot continue to train with the team. 

Cross Country Camp (optional):
If we are able to pull this off, it will likely be the week of July 22nd

Tentative Summer Schedule: - Subject to change
June 5th - Summer XC Starts
June 8th - team breakfast
June 15th - team breakfast
June 19th - no practice
June 22nd - team breakfast
June 29th - team breakfast, no coaches
June 28- July 4 - Moratorium - No Practice
July 6th - team breakfast
July 13th - team breakfast
July 20th - team breakfast
August 3rd - team breakfast
August 5th - Start of regular season
August 10th - First meet at Cottonwood Complex

XC Official Season


Before you can compete you need to make sure that you are eligible through academics, completing the registration. View the link below for details on that.

Athletic Eligibility

Cross country class

This year, for the first time ever we will be holding our cross country class during 1st period. The reason for this change is so that we can incorporate morning runs as a feature of our training rather than just a supplement. This will allow some of our higher mileage kids to get there with greater ease, thus enhancing their progress, and it will allow some of our lower mileage runners to incorporate cross training (meaning biking or other aerobically focused exercise) more faithfully into their training.

Cross training is a staple of the BYU women's cross country team, and of multiple time NCAA champ Parker Valby - she cross trains relentlessly. Cross training is something that can help take you to the next level without the same wear and tear that can happen from running.

On that note, I'm encouraging everyone to make sure they have a functional bicycle that you can use. We can even leave/store those bikes in the shed during the fall.

The class is not technically mandatory, but I could not encourage it more strongly. It really will be a way for our team to level up. 

My vision for the class is to begin class at 7:20 AM. We will have about 30 minutes of easy running or cross training, followed by team breakfasts at 8 AM that parents will sign up for, then allow for kids to get cleaned up and ready for their next period.

9th graders may be in the class as well. It might affect the JH schedule slightly, but depending on when 2nd period begins there, you may even arrive early. 

After school practices will still be held each day, with some exceptions depending on when races land and if they are needed. As of now, we are planning to hold after school practices at 2:40 PM.

Races - Varsity/JV

For those of you who are new to the sport, XC scoring is done by adding the places of the first 5 runners of each team. The place you get is the score you contribute to your team's total. A team finishing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 would score 15 points. The lowest score wins.

Varsity races are generally done with 7 runners, but sometimes we are allowed more, like 10-14 runners. When you have more, the additional runners beyond the first 7 no longer contribute to the overall places of other teams' runners - meaning if the 8th runner on our team finishes ahead of a 1-5 runner on an opponent's team, the scoring will be done as if our 8th runner was not in the race. JV races are scored the same, and because there are generally way more than 7 runners per team, runners after 7 are likewise not scored nor contribute to the opponents' scores.

Determining who the 7 runners are for varsity races can be a difficult process with a team such as ours. We have a lot of athletes who switch places from week to week because they are so close together in current ability. It's my job to give our team the best chance to win.

To determine those 7 we look at a variety of things, namely the latest race results,  past race results, best paces, and consistency. We also consider practice attendance and overall consistency. Ultimately Coach Jacobson will have the final say in who is entered into the varsity races. Having run in a varsity race multiple times does not guarantee future participation in a varsity race.

Every race we go to, except for two, is open to everyone, Varsity and JV. Divisionals and State are the only two that are varsity only races (7 runners per gender).

With all this talk about varsity it's easy to think that is the most important element of the team, but the fact is that the greatest indicator of a good team is how good the JV team is. The varsity group is just the tip of the iceberg. The JV group challenging and vying for varsity spots is what raises the level of our team. Any success the varsity group has at a meet is a credit to the entire team, not just the varsity 7.

Meet Schedule - tbd

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

5/11 Update


As you can see I'm several days behind on this update. We will be going to the state championships on Thursday and Saturday.

A bus will be going down and back on Thursday. It leaves at 7 AM. Anyone who rides the bus will get into the meet free. Extra credit for the class will also be given (10 points) for attending state. It will be school excused, and we will likely be back around 8:30 PM. 

We have a good group of athletes competing, and it is going to be a lot of fun. We'll enjoy supporting the kids racing while hanging out in the sun and playing spikeball and stuff on the grass. It is so much fun.

On Saturday, there will not be a bus, but we encourage everyone to come down and enjoy the experience and support the team. (I'll offer extra credit that day too, if needed). We end the day Saturday with the boys 4x400m relay, which is one of the best in the state. You gotta be there to see it. It's going to be a blast. You also really will want to see our 4x200m relays Thursday. And our boys in the 400m final. And our distance girls. It's going to be a show. I can't encourage you more.

Team Banquet

The team banquet is next week. If you haven't responded to this survey yet, please do so: Track Banquet (

If you have any questions, please let me know. 

Coach Jacobson

Sunday, May 5, 2024

5/5 update


We have an exciting week ahead. On Wednesday and Thursday we have the region championship at Davis High School. Based on current projections, both our boys and girls teams are underdogs going into the meet. Layton looks like the favorite on both sides, in part because they are so dominant in the throws.

However, if we have some people step up in certain areas then we could definitely make in interesting. We'll talk more about that at practice Monday and Tuesday.

We will not be bussing to Davis. Please take a look at meettrax for the schedule and so forth. We won't have the entries finalized until Tuesday night, so nothing is set in stone until then. We will first make entries based on what helps our team have the best chance to win. Then we will make them based on who is closest to state qualifying. Then we will enter the next closest to scoring. At that point our entries will likely be used up.

The weather this week looks to be less than ideal, which actually I'm really excited about. That could potentially work in our favor.

On Friday we will be hosting Sophomore Region. The meet will begin at 2:30. Sophomores not going to state can compete there. Anyone who helps will get extra credit (up to 10 points if you are there the whole time). You are not required to stay and help the whole time, but it would be appreciated.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Coach Jacobson