I hope you all had a fantastic spring break. It's always a little tough to get back into the swing of things after an extended break, so hang in there. I for one am really excited to be back at practice with all of you.
We are entering the busiest 10 day stretch of the season. We will be hosting 3 meets in the span of 4 school days. It isn't ideal, and I didn't choose this set up, rather the region and district just kind of piled on, but, in the words of Tommy (#teamtommy) "We're cracked at hosting" so hopefully we can live up to that reputation.
You know how I like to quote my old man, and he is fond of saying "many hands make light work." Because we have so much on our plate in the next days, we're counting on everyone to help and make it bearable for each other. Your duties include giving your best effort in the races, helping the meets run well, and also being there to make it more enjoyable for your friends and teammates.
Wednesday 4/10
Meet at Fremont High School. The buses departure time is 1:45 PM. Those not in the 8th period class should leave class at 1:30 PM.
Those racing at the Phoenix invite on Friday will likely not be competing at Fremont. We'll get those entries out to you today or tomorrow.
Friday 4/12
This is our biggest invitational that we host this year. As mentioned repeatedly, all are expected to help from start to finish, both those competing at those not competing. Everyone will have a job assignment. We are going to have like 18 teams in attendance. It will be a high quality meet, with some stiff standards and limited entries, so we won't be able to get everyone in who meet the standards.
This meet will be worth 10 points on your grade.
Monday 4/15
The district assigned us to host a junior high meet this day. The meet actually begins at 1 PM, which is great for the rest of the day, but not great for your 4th period class.
Everyone will have an assignment from beginning until the end, and set up will need to begin during lunch. I'm going to share more details about this at practice today (Monday 4/8) - as I hope to be able to provide lunch (little Caesars?). This also might be a opportunity for 5 points of extra credit to those who need it, by coming out during 4th period to help with the meet, but I need to get that approved first.
I anticipate this meet ending around 6, maybe earlier if we are efficient.
Wednesday 4/17
We will be hosting a meet with Syracuse. Same thing applies as above. The Davis Invitational is on 4/20, which only accepts a certain number of athletes, so most of you will be competing at this home meet.
Saturday 4/20
We will be going to the Davis Invitational. More information will be sent out about this by next week.
If you have any questions please let me know.
Coach Jacobson