Sunday, October 30, 2022

10/30 update


If you are going to NXR, please view this page ASAP

Here is the practice schedule for this next week. I will update this page with specific workout design once I finalize them.

Monday - we will practice during the class but not after school (I have to get home for my kids' Halloween festivities - they like Halloween more than Thanksgiving, which I find egregious but oh well; likely many of you would agree with them). This will be a workout day - likely on the track.

Monday workout

  • Warm up/drills
  • 800m @5K pace - 90s recovery (slow jog)
  • 2x400m @ 3200m pace - 60s recovery (slow jog)
  • 2x200m @ mile pace - 60s recovery (standing)
  • 5-7 minutes recovery (with at least 2 minutes standing) then do it again. We might do a 3rd set, cutting out he 800m, depending on how individuals are handling the work.
  • Cool down, dynamic stretching, abs

Tuesday - no school, no organized practice. I recommend getting up to vita or something.

Wednesday - Practice after school at 2:40 PM - meet at the school (workout day, likely on the hills somewhere)

Thursday - practice during class but not after school, easy run.

Friday - No organized practice. Pre-race with strides.

Saturday - Phoenix 5k at 9 AM. Please share the link with fellow community members to make this a fun event for everyone:

For those of you going to NXR, the expectation is that you are every practice. This goes without saying, but if you are planning to racing at NXR, be at each practice this week.

Also, i send each person going to NXR an email to have you confirm your attendance (so I don't register someone who isn't going). Please respond to me asap. I will reply when I receive it from you.

Phoenix 5k

Parents, we still need help at the race. It is a great way to be involved without having to race! If you'd be willing to help, please fill out this signup genius.

Registration is now live for the Phoenix 5k. 

The Phoenix 5k will be Saturday, 11/5 at 9 AM. Registration for the event will be done here

Current athletes on the team are allowed to race without paying for the event, as the primary purpose of this race is a NXR tune-up. Therefore, current athletes do not need to register at the above link.

I encourage you to share this information with friends and family, as it will be a good fundraiser for us, and will be a lot of fun for the community!

If you were wanting to buy a black long sleeve shirt, please fill out this form. The cost will be $15. Some of you filled this out already, and I got one ordered for you. If you haven't yet, you may be able to get it on Saturday, but I may have to order it later, depending on quantities.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Coach Jacobson

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

State update - Phoenix 5k - JV State


I wanted to say thank you to all of those who came to support yesterday at the races! Thank you for your commitment to your team and teammates. It made the experience much more enjoyable for everyone. Because you were school excused, make sure to communicate with your teachers about things that were missed yesterday.

If you go onto runnercard to view the results, there is an option to view the individual placement and team placement graphs. As you can guess, our girls team moved up from 14th through the first mile to 9th at the end. That's a big jump, and it shows promise for next year with 6 of the 7 returning. The other big positive from the races is that both the boys and girls were much faster at state than at divisionals, on similar courses of the same length. Skye was over a minute faster! Most were between 30-40s faster, which is awesome to see. 

I told the varsity runners before the race, that no matter what happened on the course, that I am extremely proud of the work they have put in over the season. That same sentiment goes to all of you. I'm very proud to have been able to coach you all this season, and for you underclassmen, I look forward to the years ahead! 

Phoenix 5k

Registration is now live for the Phoenix 5k. 

The Phoenix 5k will be Saturday, 11/5 at 9 AM. Registration for the event will be done here

Current athletes on the team are allowed to race without paying for the event, as the primary purpose of this race is a NXR tune-up. Therefore, current athletes do not need to register at the above link.

Parents, I could also use a few volunteers to help direct runners or help and the start/finish. If you'd be willing to help, please fill out this signup genius.

I encourage you to share this information with friends and family, as it will be a good fundraiser for us, and will be a lot of fun for the community!

JV State

Here are the names of those I have registered for JV state. If your name isn't here but you want to go, the deadline is Thursday after practice.

Austin, Trey 
Christensen, Cannon 
DeMordaunt, Evan 
Findlay, Henry 
Grover, Shane 
Halverson, Joshua 
Lund, Ethan 
Miller, Joseph 
Scoresby, Brayden 
Scott, Jacob 
Ward, Casey

 Practices before NXR

I'm still trying to finalize our practice schedule, but I think it is likely going to be a week by week decision. I'll send out the schedule for the week the week before. The XC class will always be held, and you are expected to be present. This week we will practice on Thursday during class. Friday is tbd, so check remind or the group chat for an update there.

NXR update

Please view this page if you are attending NXR for an update on cost, etc.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

10/23 update



The time is upon us. On the one hand it feels like we began summer training a lifetime ago, but on the other it feels like the time has flown by. Regardless, I couldn't be more excited. Both the boys and girls team have a plan of execution, and I can't wait to see them race in the biggest race to date.

I'm also looking forward to seeing the rest of our team there running around the course in support. I think that can be something that really gives us an edge, so we are counting on everyone coming to support. I have requested 2 buses for us, so there is room for everyone. Like divisionals, the expectation is for everyone to come support. (Unlike divisionals we will have buses ready to pick us up as soon as we're ready and we won't be sitting around for 3 hours). Be aware that it is going to be in the low 40s, with a chance of rain, so dress accordingly. The pro move is to bring extra shoes and socks, which are destined to be soaked when on the grass, and switch them after the warm up - and for those not racing, to switch them after the races so you aren't as frozen. Don't go forgetting your bag afterwards though.

I am very proud of this group, you've worked incredibly hard all year to get to this point, and now Tuesday is your day to show off your fitness. 

The state race is at the Regional Athletic Complex in Rose Park. The girls will race at 10:30 and the boys at 11:30

Spectators will need to purchase a ticket beforehand to get into the meet at the following website:

Students riding the bus will not need to pay to enter, but you will get a wristband, certifying that the team is paying for you. I'm opposed to athletes on the team who are not racing paying to get into the state meet, so we will pay for it out of our budget. 

State Course Map

Excusal time:

Right now the buses are leaving at 8:15 AM. That might change, but plan on that. Those not racing will be excused at 8 AM (I know 30 minutes isn't much, but, as my old man would say, "it's better than a kick in the shins), but if you don't ride the bus I cannot excuse your absences (in the past some kids have left class and then not come to the meet, which is problematic). So, we'll take roll on the bus and send out an excusal request to the secretary.

Those who are racing will be excused from the entire day.

The return time is going to be around 1 PM, it might be slightly earlier, but at that point your going to need to eat lunch, so I vote for a team lunch at Cafe Rio upon return, but I'm open to suggestions. Bring some money just in case.


Please go to this page to see updated information on NXR. We are out of the urgent phase, but there are still many details to hash out. Check the committed list to verify that I have you going. Please check the list of names who I haven't definitively heard from and let me know asap if you are going.

JV State

This is another opportunity for our JV runners to race. If you'd like to go, I send me an email and I will respond when you are registered. The cost will be $8 (unless we have only boys, and less than 10, in which case it will 50/number of runners)

Here are the people I have signed up so far for JV state.

Austin, Trey 
Findlay, Henry 
Grover, Shane 
Lund, Ethan 
Miller, Joseph 
Scott, Jacob 
Ward, Casey

Sign up closes at 6 PM on Thursday, so I'll need to know if you are going before practice concludes on Thursday.

Phoenix 5k

If you are willing to help out at the Phoenix 5k please fill out this signup genius

Thanks for all your help and support,

Coach Jacobson

Monday, October 17, 2022

10/17 update


I have a bunch of updates for you here. Please view the NXR one ASAP. Everything else is slightly less urgent, but check those out too. Because of the quantity of info, I've created pages for each update that you can find linked here. Each link will open a new tab.

NXR Info - Urgent

Phoenix 5k

JV state

Here is the info for JV State. If you'd like to be entered just send me an email. The cost will be $8 per person (depending on how many go we'd average out the team cost and it might be slightly less than 8).

Schedule for the rest of the week

Thursday (3:15) - meet at the regional park for a workout

Friday (class day) - meet at the school for a distance run.

Saturday will be some kind of workout, but the details are tbd.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Coach Jacobson

Friday, October 7, 2022

10/9 update


We are headed down to divisionals on Tuesday. Over the last few days I have spoken about the importance of each member of our team. As such, the expectation is that everyone on the team comes down to divisionals to support our 14 runners. Although most of you won't be running, you are still valued members of the team and can be a huge support to those racing. Wear your running gear and be prepared to run around the course to cheer on our runners. The same expectation will be had for state in a few weeks. 

We have 2 buses going to the meet, so we have room for everyone. If you absolutely cannot go due to some conflict, please let me know. Otherwise, you will be school excused after MAPS on Tuesday, so all classes missed after that can have work/tests made up without penalty, of course.

This week is also fall break, but we will be holding practices for those who are in town.

Monday - 3:15 at the school

Tuesday - Divisionals Lakeside Sports Park, Orem

Boys race at 1. Girls at 2.

Wednesday - 2:40 at the school (early start so people can head out of town, if applicable)

Thursday - 10 AM - Regional Park

  • 15 minute tempo; 3 minutes recovery; 4-8x400m and slightly faster than race pace with 1 minute standing recovery

Friday - AM, Time and Place tbd

  • Easy/recovery run

Saturday - stamina run on own.

  • 10 minute warm up; 30-40 stamina; 10-20 minute cool down. This type of run will be about 90 seconds slower per mile than 5k pace. 

The rest of this update is a repeat from what was sent out a few days ago.

If you would like to read a more complete recap from region, please go here.


It is time to get official numbers for who intend to go to nxr. Please fill out this form ASAP if you have any intention of going

We have nearly 100 kids saying they most likely want to go!

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Coach Jacobson

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Region Update - Thursday practice - NXR


You all did a phenomenal job at region. It has been a pleasure watching you all race this year, made all the more meaningful because of your hard work all year long.

I said it before and allow me to say it again: our team is better with all of you. A successful team s filled with commitment from the first to last runner. If you have a strong work ethic and are committed, then you make our team better, no matter your times. Great teams are built on those qualities. Teams that have success year after year must have those features, so I thank each of you who add to that culture on the team.

If you would like to read a more complete recap from region, please go here.

Thursday Practice

We will be practicing today at 3:15, and we will meet at the Regional park. Bring racing flats if you have them.


It is time to get official numbers for who intend to go to nxr. Please fill out this form ASAP if you have any intention of going

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Coach Jacobson

Saturday, October 1, 2022

10/1 update


The races at the District Championships were a ton of fun. This season has been a blast, and the next few weeks are only going to get more fun. Enjoy it.

Region Championship

The region championships are on Tuesday of this week. The first race will be at 3 PM with the JV girls. As they have all year, they will be looking to set the tone of the meet and get us started off on the right foot. The JV boys will follow at 3:30 PM who will try to continue to the momentum. 

The Varsity girls will race at 4 PM. The girls are underdogs going into the meet, having not beaten Weber yet. HOWEVER, based on the result from Wednesday, and the way they ran as a team, they are totally ready to perform and will give themselves a chance (no cap). Seriously, they ran so well as a team on Wednesday I found myself being more hyped than I have all year. At one point Layton had 7 people in front of our 3rd runner. Shortly after our runners 4-6 were beginning to overtake them. After another few minutes that group of girls (Alexis, Brooklyn, and Ayla, had passed Layton's 3rd runner! We even had runners 7-10 get in front of Layton's 5th (although only the 7th runner counted as "displacement"). It was a great team race, and we'll need another like it to be in the mix on Tuesday, and hopefully come away with a win. 

The varsity boys look to continue their unbeaten region streak, but a strong Weber team will be working for the upset. They will have to be sharp to continue the streak, and if they run like they did at Bob Firman then they will take care of business.

We have generally been very good about following the mantra "don't be a hero" in the first mile, and that will need to continue. Get out fast and smooth, but don't be a hero. Allow the heroes to get ahead and then fade while you go on the hunt. 

Tuesday is simply another opportunity to showcase your speed and improvement. You have run many miles and worked extremely hard over the last 4 months of the season. You've ran and raced in extreme heat. Fortunately, Tuesday's high shows only 73. Let's go out, run hard, and have fun. 

The buses will leave at 1:30 PM. You will be excused from class at 1:15 PM.

Team Dinner

The team dinner will be Monday at 6:30 PM at the Farmington Regional Park. We will also be hearing from our seniors and captains, as they pass on the knowledge they've gained over their careers. Please come if you are able so you can be a part of it.


The girls uniforms are scheduled to be delivered on Monday! (I ordered them in May, with the boys uniforms, but they got held up somewhere along the way). We may take the first part of practice to hand those out, but stay tuned for that. We will definitely get them out to you on Monday if they are here!

Weekly schedule

Monday - Class day, at the school, pre-race run

Tuesday - Region Championships - excused at 1:15, buses leave at 1:30

Wednesday - Class day, at the school, recovery run

Thursday - 3:15 at the Farmington Regional Park

Friday - Class day, at the school.

Saturday - tbd