Sunday, January 2, 2022

January 3rd - 8th - First Week of Indoor Track

I hope everyone had a great Winter break and a happy new year and are ready to get back at it. Hopefully you have been doing some training to stay and/or get in shape. If not, this is the week. We will meet a few times a week this week and post workouts in the app called "Train Heroic." If you have a smart phone, download that app, create a free profile, and then add a team using a password. Use the passwords below to join the team and gain access to the workouts. On the days we don't meet, we will still have workouts for you to do on your own or in small groups. We will meet more and more times a week throughout January and into February in preparation for Outdoor track. If you haven't already filled out the 2022 Indoor Track Sign up form, please go online and do so now.

Also, with the end of the term coming up you need to make sure you are going to be eligible to compete this 3rd term. What would make you ineligible for the 3rd term meets? 1. 2 Fs on the transcript for 2nd term. Doesn't matter if you make it up a week into 3rd term, that won't fly anymore like it has in the past. 2) Any U on your 2nd term transcript. Again you cannot make this up and compete once it's clear, when you get a U, you are ineligible until the next grading period comes out so please don't take it and make it up a week into 3rd term. Ask your teachers and get it taken care of NOW. If you make it up before the term, then you can avoid having it posted to your transcript but you have to talk to them before the term ends. 

Train Heroic Codes:

Distance: farmingtondistance

Throws: farmingtonthrows

Jumps: farmingtonjumps

Sprints: farmingtonsprints

Weekly Schedule:

Monday January 3rd: On your own - Check Train Heroic

Tuesday January 4th: 2:40 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs

Wednesday January 5th: On your own - Check Train Heroic

Thursday January 6th: 2:40 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs

Friday January 7th: On your own - Check Train Heroic

Saturday January 8th: On your own - Check Train Heroic