What is a Champion?


What is a Champion?


CHAMPIONS set goals and make commitments, then work hard and make the necessary sacrifices to ensure success.


CHAMPIONS set their priorities and do not let things with a lower priority interfere with the more important ones.


CHAMPIONS are self-motivated and do not need a coach around to complete a workout.


CHAMPIONS focus on the things they have control over, not on other people or things they cannot change.


CHAMPIONS respect those who may be superior and learn from them.


CHAMPIONS do not put a limit on their potential.  Who really knows how good you can become?


CHAMPIONS are honest and loyal to themselves, the coach and their TEAMmates.


CHAMPIONS learn from a loss or failure and use it as motivation to perform better in the future.


CHAMPIONS are never totally satisfied.  They expect to continue to improve no matter how great the last accomplishment was.


CHAMPIONS expect their next attempt will be their best.


CHAMPIONS have the courage to take risks and push themselves to the limits necessary for improving their performance.


CHAMPIONS never look for shortcuts to success.


CHAMPIONS realize that preparation is the key to success and they leave as little to chance as possible.


CHAMPIONS expect more of themselves than others do.


CHAMPIONS put the same effort into becoming a success in every worthwhile endeavor, i.e. school, family, church, humanity, etc.


CHAMPIONS respect their opponents and appreciate that they may have worked just as hard and prepared just as well as they have.


CHAMPIONS conduct themselves with class at all times (manners, honesty, humility, cleanliness, and consideration for others).


CHAMPIONS always give 100% and refuse to accept mediocrity.


CHAMPIONS realize that doing their best is more important than being the best.


EVERYONE can become a CHAMPION.  CHAMPIONS are not limited just to those who bring home the medals and trophies.