Parent Meeting Recap


Yesterday in our meeting we went over a few things that required links, so I wanted to put them all in one place for you to reference, as well as give a brief recap for those who were unable to attend.


Athletes are expected to attend all practices, and remain until we are finished. On B-days this will rarely mean before 2:30.

Athletes who miss practices may not be entered into meets.


Home Meets

When we host a meet athletes are expected to compete and help run the meet so that it can move efficiently, and offer each athlete the best conditions in which to compete. Athletes will be assigned jobs, and everyone stays until cleanup has concluded, and which point we dismiss all together.

Away Meets

The meets that are not invitationals, which on typically the Wednesday meets, everyone can compete in. Athletes should stay the entire time and support their teammates. At invitationals in which not everyone is able to compete, athletes are encouraged to attend and support, but more exceptions are made due to location and duration.

Parent Volunteers

If you are interested in helping out this year, in providing snacks on meet days, helping with the end of year banquet, or providing a team dinner, please see the sign up genius here: Parent Volunteers.


All parents/guardians of athletes need to complete registration through the following website: Register My Athlete. A physical is required, in addition to other items, and the physical must be from this school year, beginning, I believe, on 7/31. 

To find a walk through for doing this the first time, please see the following site: Farmington Phoenix Track & Field and Cross Country: Register My Athlete.

Team Store

If you would like to purchase items from the team store, it is open for about a week, and those items can be found here: My Team Shop

Those items are all optional.


Our team uses GroupMe to send updates and announcements. Parents should join the announcement group, and athletes the event(s) that they participate in.