Thursday, December 17, 2020

Track Meeting Recap

Did you miss the track meeting? Did you lose your notes? Below is the list of everything we covered at the meeting in case you missed it or need a refresher. 

  • COVID-19 and Track & Field 2021
    • We are still planning on having an outdoor track season. What that will look like exactly is still up in the air. We will likely not have any indoor track meets as most have already been cancelled for January and February but when we move to outdoors we are still planning on holding a season. We will temperature check everyone at each practice and you will need to fill out our Covid-19 symptom check form each day. 
  • Indoor Track
    • Indoor track is a big part of our preparations for outdoor track. We would love it, if you are interested in doing outdoor track, to come train with us for Indoor. If you are interested in doing indoor track with us here at Farmington High School please fill out this 2021 Indoor Track Sign up form.
    • We will have a $10 indoor track fee to help our program. Once you fill out the sign up form, we will invoice you on your MyDSD and you can pay for that fee there. 
  • Track Class
    • We have an 8th period team conditioning class which is our "track class." If you are not in it, try to get your schedule switched so you can take that class with us. 
    • We can get you fit for life credit if you need it. Just enroll in the 8th period class and let us know you need fit for life credit and we can enroll you in a Canvas class to get the credit. 
    • While it is preferred that you join the track class, you can still do track even if you aren't in the class, you just might have workouts on your own after school on B days.
  • Practice
    • Practice will vary depending on your event coach. More info to come from your event coach. First day of indoor track practice will be Tuesday January 5th, 2021 @ 2:40 PM.
    • We will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays in January and as we get to February we will meet more often.
    • Once the season starts we will meet every day and it is expected for you to be there every day. 
    • During the season practices on Mondays & Wednesdays will be at 2:40-5:00. Practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays will be from 1:10 PM - 3:30 PM. Check the blog weekly for any changes or specifics on practices. 
  • Meet Schedule
    • Still waiting on official dates but it will likely be the same as it was going to be last year. There will be a few changes with invites per the current covid-19 protocols but we won't know more until we get closer. I will post the schedule to the schedule/results page as soon as I know so you can get work off and block out those important meet dates.
  • Eligibility
    • Get started now. 
    • Due: Wednesday February 17th, 2021. Follow the steps listed and complete the necessary requirements in order to compete this season and school year. All eligibility paperwork and receipts need to be turned into Coach Brower.

      1. Register my Athlete - HERE
      2. Physical (good for 1 year) I need the physical copy turned into me - HERE
           *We will have a Spring Sports physical day on TBA for $25. All funds go back to our school. Cash or Card accepted.
      3. Receipt of Fees paid at the office (uniform $65 and participation/transportation $90) -I need a receipt either printed from online or from the office. If you have a uniform from 2019 track or 2020 cross country, you do not need to buy a new one.
      4. Team Disclosure (you will "sign" by filling out the form - HERE).
      5. Grades - No more than 1 F and above a 2,5 GPA. No U's.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Track is Back!!

As we approach the new year we are coming up on our indoor track season. We are still unsure what that will look like for competitions during the winter months but we will still plan on holding practices to help us prepare for outdoor track. All those interested in joining our track team this year is welcome to attend our zoom track meeting which will be held on Wednesday December 16th at 6:00 PM. The link for that zoom is posted below. We will try to cover what we know with the season and track but, like everything else this year, we know things could change so stay tuned. If you aren't already, get into the 2nd semester 8th period team conditioning class (track class). We will have practice 2nd semester on B days during that track class. On A days we will have practice after school starting at 2:45 PM. If you need fit for life credit, drop that class and take team conditioning, we can get you fit for life credit.  

For my XC or distance kids, we should start getting our mileage back up. Most of you know what your 100% weeks are, if you don't know because you are new, send me an email ( Below is the % progression we want you to build up to for the next few weeks before we start to meet together. See the chart below to know what mileage we need to be hitting. The idea behind the weekly mileage is that you split it up throughout the week. Don't do 2 super long runs on Friday/Saturday just to hit your mileage because you didn't run Mon-Thurs. Be smart and spread it out over the course of the week. 

Track and Field Parent Meeting
Dec 16, 2020 - 6:00 PM Mountain Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 960 2260 2984
Passcode: 2NWkwN

1st day of indoor track practice: Tuesday January 5th @ 2:40 PM. 
All those interested in joining indoor track please fill out this form - 2021 Indoor Track Sign up

Distance Mileage Progression Chart
Week of 12/7-12/12 - 30% of max mileage
Week of 12/14-12/19 - 40% of max mileage
Week of 12/21-12/26 - 40% of max mileage
Week of 12/28-01/2 - 50% of max mileage