Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Farmington XC is HERE!!!!

Hey Farmington Phoenix!!

It is that time of year so let's get started and build the best XC program here at Farmington High. Throughout the summer we will meet as a team on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Now just because we don't meet on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays doesn't mean you shouldn't run those days... because you should. We want to build a great base this summer so when the season starts we are ready to go. If you want to be great during the season you have to put in some miles this summer. Having said that here is the schedule for our first week of practice:

Summer Training Week 1
Monday June 11th: 7 AM @ Ponds Park (North Lot)

Wednesday June 13th: 7 AM @ Vita Trail (1533 E. 650 N. Fruit Heights)

Friday June 15th: 7 AM @ Ponds Park (North Lot)

The summer training is only $40 per athlete (8th and 9th graders are welcome). You can go directly to the school and pay the head secretary (Sue Spencer) or you can call and pay over the phone. Her number is 801-402-9054. Just make sure to let her know it is for XC and who the student athlete is. If you need to email her send it to:

One last thing, if you are needing a new pair of shoes or spikes, all Farmington High athletes will get a 15% discount on running shoes and a 20% discount on spikes when you go to Wasatch Running Center in Centerville. Just let them know you run for Farmington and they will hook you up with some sweet discounts.