Monday, April 29, 2024

4/28 update


I'm so sorry for such a late update. Here are a few things for this week. 


The meet this week is at BYU. The information is on meettrax, and there is additional information found here.

In a nutshell, after today we will know how many of you get into the meet. They take a certain number of kids per event, so the kids with the best times (which were set at an invitational, in the case of the 100/200) will get in. 

Please go check the schedule and make sure that you could attend on the day/time of your events. If you couldn't go, please let us know so we can drop you before tonight.

We won't be bussing to the meet.

Honestly, this is my second favorite meet of the year, second only to state. It is so much fun being down there for two days, hanging out, watching you guys compete, enjoying the atmosphere. It's amazing. Even if you aren't competing, I totally recommend you come support.

Next Week

Next week we will be going to the region championships on Wednesday and Thursday at Davis. We will then host sophomore region on Friday. That meet will be entirely extra credit, and not required to help.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Coach Jacobson

Sunday, April 21, 2024

4/21 update


The Davis invitational was a fantastic day of competition. There were tons of personal or seasonal bests on the day. Not everyone who competed Saturday had their personal best, but so many of you did. 

If you haven't yet, go look at our team instagram, Ashley is doing a great job of highlighting our team, and she is kind enough to spend all this time doing this as a volunteer, just so we can spotlight more of you. It's amazing. 

There were so many great races though for real, it was a vibe. I was particularly looking forward to our girls sprint relays of 4x100 and 4x200, because they had been on the cusp of qualifying for state, so we worked a few things with the hopes that we could make it happen, and they absolutely crushed it. They finished 3rd in the 4x100 and 2nd in the 4x200, qualifying both teams for state, and putting the word out there, that we back up. They're now less than half a second from being the first team in school history to go under 50s in the race, and with a couple tweaks in the handoffs I'm feeling more confident than ever that they can do it. They are also bearing down on the school record in both events. The highlight for me was probably seeing how hyped they were after those races. Love to see it.

Side note: I also REALLY loved how many of you came to support for a while even if you weren't competing. Love it. That's what makes great teams, that kind of support and encouragement for each other.

The boys sprint relays were also show. They obliterated the school record in the 4x200 just a week ago at our meet. This week, we had an exchange mishap, which can happen, so we just keep practicing and refining it so we can get it even better next time. And seriously, that team is lethal. When you have Ethan running 3rd, it's like, make sure you got space around you so you don't run into anyone when you see him blast by the opposing 3rd runners, surging to the front. (I always tell whoever is standing around me during that race that our 3rd runner is so fire). Then handing it to Bode? Goodnight. 

Anyway, the mishap. Kai couldn't quite reach Tanner's hand, it happens, better know now what to fix than later. In many ways it's good to find errors now so that we can fix it before region and state - and they already qualified for state. As a result, Kai took a huge fall, and scraped himself something fierce. By the time I got to him he was up and walking and insisting "yeah I'm good." He stepped right back into the 4x100, open wounds and all, and delivered - Kai and Tanner were sharp in the exchange of the 4x1 and they broke their own school record, set a week ago, with another sub 43s performance. They exhibited Mr. Ted Lasso's excellent advice of "be[ing] a goldfish." That team first mentality is what we want everywhere on our team.

On the distance side, Alexis had a huge breakthrough in the 1600 and 3200. She had that look in her eye where you kind of just don't say much when she runs by because you don't want to take her out of what she's doing, because she is doing it so well, so it's always like the same thing, "nice work, stay on it, keep it rolling." Super inspiring stuff.

Before the meet she was unsure about being able to run both events in less than two hours, but she and Skye, along with Tyler, all gave it a go and did fantastic. Skye is to the point where she can get 2nd and 3rd in the invited 3200/1600 and be disappointed. She's setting up for an amazing finish to the year, mark my words.

I had so much fun during the open mile, when over 10% of the racers were ours, in a meet with 46 teams. It was amazing to watch you all throw down, with tons of personal bests.

In the field, our lone 9th grader, Addisyn (who also anchors our 4x1 and opens the 4x2) podiumed in the Long Jump, along with Saige, Cyrus and Nathan in the Vault, Disc and Jav. Bouncing around at field events, doing multiple things requires a lot of mental strength, and our field athletes did a great job.

This week

This week is going to be so nice. We will be going to Davis on Wednesday for a dual meet, and then Friday to Woods Cross for an invitational. (Pole Vaulters will compete at Davis on Monday, rather than wx on Friday (because they don't have pits)).

We will not be bussing to Davis, but we might be bussing Friday. TBD. I will let you know.

Everyone can compete at Davis on Wednesday, unless we are saving your legs for Friday.

The meet at Woods Cross is an invitational, so we are only allowed 45 entries, and event minimum standards, and therefore not everyone will be competing, but we will be sure to use all the entries that we can. It will begin at 3:15 PM.

The meet at Davis begins at 3 PM. Talk to your event coaches about which events you'll be doing, and be sure to check meettrax as well. If you cannot go to one or the other be sure to communicate that with your coaches.

Team Dinner Thursday

We may be having a team dinner on Thursday night, I will send out more information on this as it becomes available.

As always, if you have any questions, please let me know.

Coach Jacobson

Sunday, April 14, 2024

4/14 update


There were some great performances over this past week, both at Fremont and at our invitational. SO many PRs, some really outstanding sprint relay times, and a lot of solid learning experiences. These experiences will help you as athletes learn how to perform better, and it helps us coaches know what we need to adjust so that we can get the best out of you.

I've said this before, but I speak for each of our coaches when I say that we will do everything we can to help you be at your best, and our goal is to have you ready for region and state. We trust that you will do everything you can as well, and with that combination, I hope that you trust that good things will happen.

If you haven't already, go checkout our team instagram. Shoutout to Ashley Yates who is managing the account, and doing an incredible job highlighting the team and the meets. 

For those of you who went to the Prom. I hope you had a great experience.

This week

We have another busy week so please read this carefully.


On Monday we are hosting a JH meet with 6 schools. That meet will begin at 1 PM, but set up will begin promptly at lunch time. Most of the set up will be fairly quick, since we left the hurdles out and we don't need anything extravagant.

That said, this meet will be worth 5 points of extra credit to those who come out at lunch (scanning in at 12:30) and stay through the duration. Those who don't need extra credit, because you stayed for all of the Phoenix Invite (THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!) you can go to your 4th period class then come out after school. We'll have you check in somehow as well. 

The rest of the meet is not extra credit. From 2:30-end will be out of 5 points, as usual.

The meet is currently scheduled to end at 6:30, but I'm hoping we can make that earlier. Here's hoping we are efficient.

I will post a job list tomorrow. We don't need to worry about gates, so it's mostly field events, concessions, and hurdles. You non field athletes, you will likely be helping at a field event.

It might be rainy, so dress accordingly - note: wind breakers aren't water proof haha.


On Wednesday we are hosting yet again against Syracuse. That meet will begin at 3 PM. Everyone can compete at this meet. Those competing on Saturday either won't compete, or will be limited in some way. 

This is a regular meet hosting assignment available on canvas.


On Saturday we will be going to the Davis Invitational. There will not be a bus. You can view the meet information on meettrax here. It has the explanation and the schedule on that meet.

Let me give a brief explanation of the Davis invite and who gets in. 

The Davis invite is essentially two meets - the AM meet is called the open, the PM is called the invited /seeded section. The open has several heats of everything. The invited is one heat of everything. The way they set up the meet is anyone can register with times they got this year, and then they scratch everyone who is below a certain number. For example: say that 100 people sign up for the mile, but they only want 84 kids. They will take the fastest 84 kids and scratch the others. The fastest 12 or so of those kids will be in the invited section in the afternoon.) They also post a short list of alternates in case someone drops out last second, then they will fill in the gaps. There is no moving from the PM section to the AM section. If you are fast enough to make the PM session, they won't switch you.

Because of this method, we won't know officially who makes it into the meet until Thursday at noon, when entries close, but you can see where you rank on meettrax once you've been registered, and you'll kind of have an idea. 

Wrap up

That ought to do it for this week. If you have any questions please let me know. Looking forward to a great week!

Monday, April 8, 2024

4/7 update


I hope you all had a fantastic spring break. It's always a little tough to get back into the swing of things after an extended break, so hang in there. I for one am really excited to be back at practice with all of you. 

We are entering the busiest 10 day stretch of the season. We will be hosting 3 meets in the span of 4 school days. It isn't ideal, and I didn't choose this set up, rather the region and district just kind of piled on, but, in the words of Tommy (#teamtommy) "We're cracked at hosting" so hopefully we can live up to that reputation. 

You know how I like to quote my old man, and he is fond of saying "many hands make light work." Because we have so much on our plate in the next days, we're counting on everyone to help and make it bearable for each other. Your duties include giving your best effort in the races, helping the meets run well, and also being there to make it more enjoyable for your friends and teammates. 

Wednesday 4/10 

Meet at Fremont High School. The buses departure time is 1:45 PM. Those not in the 8th period class should leave class at 1:30 PM.

Those racing at the Phoenix invite on Friday will likely not be competing at Fremont. We'll get those entries out to you today or tomorrow. 

Friday 4/12

This is our biggest invitational that we host this year. As mentioned repeatedly, all are expected to help from start to finish, both those competing at those not competing. Everyone will have a job assignment. We are going to have like 18 teams in attendance. It will be a high quality meet, with some stiff standards and limited entries, so we won't be able to get everyone in who meet the standards.

This meet will be worth 10 points on your grade.

Monday 4/15

The district assigned us to host a junior high meet this day. The meet actually begins at 1 PM, which is great for the rest of the day, but not great for your 4th period class. 

Everyone will have an assignment from beginning until the end, and set up will need to begin during lunch. I'm going to share more details about this at practice today (Monday 4/8) - as I hope to be able to provide lunch (little Caesars?). This also might be a opportunity for 5 points of extra credit to those who need it, by coming out during 4th period to help with the meet, but I need to get that approved first.

I anticipate this meet ending around 6, maybe earlier if we are efficient. 

Wednesday 4/17

We will be hosting a meet with Syracuse. Same thing applies as above. The Davis Invitational is on 4/20, which only accepts a certain number of athletes, so most of you will be competing at this home meet.

Saturday 4/20

We will be going to the Davis Invitational. More information will be sent out about this by next week.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Coach Jacobson