I've been very happy with our first two weeks of practices, and with our first meet that we've hosted. Although we haven't been perfect, I really enjoy the group that we have, and we are becoming a fairly well rounded team.
We have a good chunk of our team who is very consistent in their attendance and effort, so for the most part we are doing a great job. Another portion of the team could level up in their consistency, being sure to be there on A and B days, so that we're better able to improve.
We are better when we are all together. Each time someone comes to practice, the rest of the group benefits. Work your schedule around so that you are there each day. If we can improve our level of consistency then our team will be that much better. Again, so many of you are doing a great job at that, and I appreciate your example and approach. We're better for it.
Register my athlete
If you aren't done. Get it done. Thanks to those who have it complete - it makes everything go much smoother for you and for us.
This week (3/18-22)
We have a complicated week ahead. We will be hosting the Super Meet on Wednesday and Thursday. The girls will be competing on Wednesday and the boys will be working the meet. On Thursday the groups will switch roles. Here's hoping for good weather.
This is a State Qualifying Meet, sometimes called "invitational." That means that if you run/throw/jump a legal state qualifying mark then you punch your ticket to the state meet. Those standards can be seen on the side of this website. Because it is a larger meet not everyone will be able to entered into all of their events. This particular meet allows most people to be entered, but many other invitationals are much more limited.
As of now it looks like we may have a good couple of days to set new PRs and generally have a great meet. We will work Monday and Tuesday to help you have your best opportunity to compete this week. The week after this we head to Syracuse to compete at the Davis District Championships, and we're limited in the number of people we can put in events, so this meet will help us in our decision making.
We intend to enter everyone who is eligible into at least one event at the Super Meet. Some will be entered in more that one, depending on where you currently are on the depth chart. The depth chart, also known as the performance list, can be viewed at the top of this page.
We will need everyone's help both days at the meet. Both the boys and girls are expected to stay for the entire meet on both days, then scan out when we are all finished up. Thanks to your help at the meet this week, we were able to finish at a decent hour. The meet will go later this week (we have like 19 schools coming), so we need to be efficient hosts so that everything goes smoothly.
We have more jobs, like concessions and gates, than we had last week. People working hurdle crew/relay officials will be on a rotation with gates and concessions, so no one is working those jobs the entire time. I hope to get those jobs out on Tuesday morning.
You can view the meet info, and the entries when we are done, on Meettrax. It's easiest to use if you have the app, by the way.
Next week (3/25-29)
Can you believe we're nearly to spring break? Next week we head to the District championships on Tuesday/Wednesday. That meet is set up in trials/finals. Those qualifying for finals compete Wednesday, in addition to a few field, relay, and distance events. While we are limited in how many people we can enter, we want to bring the whole team on the buses to come support the team.
Parent volunteers
If you're interested in volunteering in any way this season, please view the "parent sign up genius" at the top of this page. We appreciate all your support!
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Coach Jacobson