Friday, August 4, 2023

8/6 update


We have a busy week ahead as we enter our FINAL WEEK OF SUMMER. *tears of excitement but also sadness*


We will be practicing Monday-Friday at 7 AM. Locations below. Our first meet is on Saturday morning.

Because we have spent much of the last 4 weeks doing 100% mileage, we are going to cut back about 15% this week. That is, if you have been getting to 100% the last few weeks. If you've had lower weeks in there you should get back to 100% this week rather than cutting back. This is, of course, assuming proper recovery and health.

Pizza and Olympian Speaker - Salt Lake Running Company - Tuesday

                                                                Link to RSVP

Meet Information

If we are able to secure a bus, it will leave at 6:30 AM from the east side of the school, and return after awards have concluded. You can view race times on the schedule page.

Please let me know if you can go to the meet or not by filling out this form.

You will not be permitted to compete unless you have completed all the registration.

Garmin Order

If you haven't emailed me yet that you'd like to get a Garmin on discount, please do-so ASAP. If I haven't replied to you that means I didn't get your order. So far we only have 8 orders, and we need 10 or we cannot get them. Please see this page for the specific watches and prices (multiple colors are available btw).

T-shirt order

A few of you didn't have your orders go through for the t shirts this summer. Therefore, if you didn't get a shirt please fill out this form. It will send you and email confirmation that you successfully filled it out. Parents, if you want one, please fill it out and indicate at the bottom that this is an additional order.

We will be doing a team store in the near future, so you don't have to buy this shirt, if you'd prefer a non-athletic shirt.

Practice Schedule

Week 10 - 85%
MonAugust 7Farmington PondHIll Repeats.8/37/36/36-75-64-54-543
TueAugust 8Heritage ParkDistance Run, 8 strides87-86-76-76-75-64-544
WedAugust 9VitaDistance Run7-87-87-87-876643
ThuAugust 10Farmington Regional ParkSplit Tempo, 3x7 minutes with 2 minutes recovery8/37/36/36-75-64-54-52.00.0
FriAugust 11FHSEasy run, 8 strides666554444
SatAugust 12FHS @ 6:30 (East Side)Premier Invite8.
SunAugust 13Off Day45137.090248.090216.0180382.0135209.0135112.0135080.024.019.0
Weekly Volume514742.538.5343025.52420