Friday, March 24, 2023

3/26 update


Remote Day Update

Because of the remote learning day there are going to be many questions.

1. There is still hope for the meet tomorrow, it is supposed to warm up tomorrow, we just need it to do so quickly and powerfully.

2. Entries for the meet will be shared in the groupme as soon as they are ready. You can look on runnercard for preliminary entries, but they won't be finalized for a while. Please remember that we are limited in entries so only a relative small number will be able to compete tomorrow. However, everyone is allowed to come on the bus. If you aren't racing you do not need to wear your uniform.

The buses will leave at 1:30, so you will be excused at 1:15 from 4th period to attend the meet.

3. Please check your respective groupmes for potential forms to be filled out to indicate your interest in events.

4. Those of you in the class, you have an announcement in canvas clarifying what we are doing during class time, which obviously is nothing formal. Coach Halls gave a solid recommendation of going out and shoveling your elderly neighbors' walks and driveways as a solid workout. Distance runners racing tomorrow should consider an easy treadmill session.

5. The team dinner tonight is being rescheduled, the date on that is still to be determined, it may be Thursday or after spring break. Stay tuned.

Super Meet

Thank you to all the kids, parents, faculty, and coaches for your help making Thursday a very good meet. I have received many comments and messages complimenting us on that meet, and it could not have been done without all of your help. I remember thinking yesterday that this was the first meet where I felt like everything was covered so I could move around and help make sure it all went smoothly rather than troubleshooting a million things. It went extremely well aside from a few internet issues that set us back about 10 minutes in total. 

I know it was a long night, we ended around 8 PM, but honestly that is one of the faster invitationals that I've ever been too.  A meet that size can wind up going to 10 or so, so we did great keeping it going quickly and cleaning up very well. Boys, thanks for being so willing to help the meet go well for your teammates, hats off to you (Sorry Nat). 

I recognize the sacrifice each of you had to make to be there, each of my coaches had a job that they did remarkably well that kept them away from their families just as late as each of you, so while I thank you for your sacrifice, please thank them as well for their tireless efforts to give you the best experience possible. 

Again, thank you so much. Our program made around $1500 from the meet which will be very beneficial for us.

I'm very sorry, gentlemen, that your meet was cancelled. That's how spring in Utah likes to go at times, but I'm confident we'll get you some good days yet so you can show off your hard work. 

Next Week

Next week has a slight change, the District meet was originally scheduled to be a two day meet, but it has been changed to 1 day, which is Tuesday at Syracuse High School. The information for that meet is below. We are limited in entries at this meet so not everyone will be able to compete. Everyone is welcome, and encouraged, so come support, even if you aren't racing, but this won't be a meet that determines your grade. We will have buses to this meet, with the excusal time from class tbd.

The information for that meet can be found here. Meet information as of today.

If you can't go because of region band please let me know.

Super Meet Throws

This has been cancelled. There will be no events held at Davis today.

Team Dinner - rescheduled, day tbd.

We're not sure when we'll be able to hold this dinner. Hopefully soon. Stay tuned.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Coach Jacobson