Sunday, November 10, 2019

Nov 11th-16th - Pre-Nike

Thank you to everyone who helped with or participated in our banquet Thursday. It was a fun night and hopefully everyone had a good time. Great week of training as well. Thanks to those who have been consistently coming to practice. This week we are back at it with our last race before NXR. Pre-Nike will be on Wednesday the 13th at 4:00 PM. Again it will just be one race combined (boys and girls) and it will be at Layton Park. The course will be different from the one we did at Davis Championships. It will be a 3 mile race (one mile loop done 3 times).

If you are planning on racing at Pre-Nike Wednesday, November 13th, Please fill out this link so I can sign you up: Pre-Nike Race Sign Up. Remember to bring your $1 to the meet.

Those going to NXR, here is the list for those riding the bus and those riding in the van. I am sorry we can't get everyone on the bus, or everyone in a van going to NXR. We went with a first come first serve basis so those on the bus were those that signed up first. NXR Transportation List Remember to get your permission slip signed and emailed to as soon as you are able. If you don't get it signed and emailed in you will not be allowed to race. 

Weekly Schedule:

Monday November 11th - 3:15 PM @ FHS

Tuesday November 12th - 3:15 PM @ FHS

Wednesday November 13th - Pre-Nike @ Layton Park
Race Starts at 4:00 PM
Course map

Thursday November 14th - On Your Own (4-6 Mile recovery)

Friday November 15th - 2:40 PM @ FHS

Saturday November 16th - 7:45 AM @ Barnes Park

Everyone will drop another 10% this week and go down to 80%.

Morning Runs
Optional this week but for those that need a few extra miles do it on Thursday.