Sunday, October 27, 2019

Oct. 28th-Nov. 2nd

We had a great week at the state championships this past week as our boys team made history being the first program in Farmington history to win a state championship. Our boys were 1st and our girls also brought home some hardware with a 2nd place finish. What an incredible finish in our second year as a school. Big shout out to everyone who helped take part in this week with the team dinner on Tuesday, the cheering section (which was the best one there) and those who raced. Thank you thank you thank you for all of your hard work. Let's keep building the legacy here at Farmington that will continue for many years to come.

If you have any pictures from State or any other meet this year, please add them to our team photo album so we can get going on the banquet video.

If you haven't filled out the banquet survey yet, please do so now. It is November 7th at 6 PM.

Now that we've celebrated, let's get back to work. We have NXR coming up in 4 weeks and we need to get back on the grind for a few weeks so we can go tear it up down in Arizona. I think we have finally got the logistics figured out but will know for sure later this week so I will let you guys know asap as far as final arrangements for NXR. Once they are finalized please make sure you pay your $200 to Marie Spackman via venmo @emspackman. Let's make sure we are at practice and continuing to log miles on strava as well.

Let's get to the schedule this week:

Monday October 28th - 3:15 PM @ FHS

Tuesday October 29th - On Your Own - Get in a recovery run today (5-7 Miles)

Wednesday October 30th - 3:15 PM @ FHS

Thursday October 31st - Halloween Run @ 3:15 @ FHS - Come dressed up in a costume, ready to run!

Friday November 1st - TBA (Likely in the morning around 8 AM)

Saturday November 2nd - TBA (Likely in the morning around 8 AM)

Everyone should be back up to 100% this week. 

Morning Runs:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday