
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Moratorium Week

This week is our moratorium week. We will not be meeting as a team. Still get your runs in and log them on Strava. Run the same number of miles you did last week. We will increase next week. If you can, get in a 5k this week for the 4th of July.

A few dates to keep in mind:

  • The Fall Physical Night will be on July 31st at Layton IHC just west of I15 on Layton Parkway. The office is on the south end of the hospital on the third floor. It will start at 6:00 PM and end right around 7:30. Please make sure the players physicals are filled out BEFORE they arrive and the $25 fee needs to be either cash or check. If they need to pay with the credit card they can pick up their physicals in the main office the next day after they pay in the office. - This is for those that need a physical for the upcoming cross country season. You need a new one every year and can do it here or with your regular doctor. Visit the eligibility page to find the physical form.
  • July 29-31st is XC camp. Go to the cross country page for more details.
  • August 10th is the Phoenix 5K. 
Keep up the good work and don't undo everything you've done you to this point. We'll see you next Monday (July 8th).

Sunday, June 23, 2019

XC Week 3 (June 24th-29th)

Thank you to all those who are logging their miles on Strava and getting runs in while you are out of town and away. If you haven't been logging or running.... change that and let's get going. I also hope you are still taking care of your bodies (hydrating, stretching, rolling out etc). We also want to thank the Wall and Spackman families for helping with our breakfast after our run on Friday.

If you haven't already, please pay your $50 at the front office and make sure to get a summer release form from coach Brower at practice this week or print one here and get it turned in to one of the coaches. Also let's start talking to some business and people who can help sponsor and support our Phoenix 5k coming up in August. Go to the Phoenix 5k Page for info on what you can do to help out.

For mileage this week we want you to increase your mileage by 10% from the past two weeks (if you ran 20 miles last week you will run 22 this week).

This week our schedule will be as follows:

Monday June 24th - 7AM @ Forbush Park (100 Main St, Farmington)

Tuesday June 25th - No Team Practice - Run on your own 3-6 miles

Wednesday June 26th - 7 AM @ Vita Trail (1533 E. 650 N. Fruit Heights)

Thursday June 27th - No Team Practice - Run on your own 3-6 miles

Friday June 28th - 7 AM @ Nicholls Park (1105 Nicholls Rd, Fruit Heights)

Saturday June 29th - No Team Practice - Run on your own 3-8 miles

Sunday, June 16, 2019

XC Week 2

Thank you to everyone who came and helped in some way with our Jr. Phoenix track camp. It was a very successful first year with 72 kids in the camp. We could not have done it without our awesome coaching staff and wonderful kids and parents so thank you to everyone who came and helped.

It was great seeing everyone at practice last week. Hopefully you have been consistent in your miles on days we don't meet and you have been taking care of your body. Those that are new to running, stick with it you will feel better after a few consistent weeks of training.

If you haven't paid your summer fee ($50) yet please do so this week at the main office at the school.

Also, I need everyone to sign one of these forms for summer cross country. If you could print this out and bring it to me this week that would be awesome. I will be bringing some to practice with me so if you don't have a printer I will give you one at practice to take home and get signed. Thanks!

We need to start getting word out about our Phoenix 5k Fundraiser. Please go to the Phoenix 5k tab for more info regarding this but start talking to sponsors/business for donations, sponsors and prizes and tell your friends and family to put it on their calendar.

Here is the schedule for this week:

Monday June 17th - 7AM @ Forbush Park (100 Main St, Farmington)

Tuesday June 18th - No team practice, run on your own (3-5 miles)

Wednesday June 19th -  7 AM @ Vita Trail (1533 E. 650 N. Fruit Heights)

Thursday June 20th -  No team practice, run on your own (3-5 miles)

Friday June 21st - 7 AM @ Heritage Park (1591 N 1075 W, Farmington)

Saturday June 22nd - No team practice, run on your own (3-7 miles). If you are new and ran every day this week, cross train today.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Summer XC is HERE!!

Welcome to Farmington Cross Country 2019! The season is upon us and we are ready to get to work to have a wonderful upcoming season. We welcome back those that were with us last year and would like to extend a warm welcome to all those who are coming to join us for the first time this year. We are excited to see you at practice this summer and get to know you better. Please check the blog weekly as we will be posting information as it comes in so make sure you bookmark this page and check it regularly.

A few things for summer. Come as much as you can to practice. We know you have camps and reunions and trips but come when you can. If you can't come, talk to a coach and make sure to get your runs in while you are gone. If you haven't paid your $50 to the front office for summer XC please take care of that ASAP. Thanks!

Here is the schedule for the week:

Monday June 10th - 7 AM @ Farmington High School Track

Tuesday June 11th - No team practice - get in 3-4 miles on your own

Wednesday June 12th  - 7 AM @ Ponds Park North Lot (50 E Burton Ln - Kaysville)

Thursday June 13th - No team practice - get in 3-4 miles on your own
* We have our Junior Phoenix Track Camp we are hosting today from 9 AM - 12 Noon
If you can come help out with this and help make this a fun camp for the little kids we would greatly appreciate it! Thanks.

Friday June 14th - 7 AM @ Farmington Park (294 S 650 W, Farmington) - Just North of the school
* We have our Junior Phoenix Track Camp we are hosting today from 9 AM - 12 Noon
If you can come help out with this and help make this a fun camp for the little kids we would greatly appreciate it! Thanks.

Saturday June 15th - No team practice - get in 3-4 miles on your own
* We are hosting a little track meet for the kids at our track camp. It will start at 8 AM. If you can come help us with this meet, please be there about 7:30 to help with setup. Thanks!