
Sunday, June 16, 2019

XC Week 2

Thank you to everyone who came and helped in some way with our Jr. Phoenix track camp. It was a very successful first year with 72 kids in the camp. We could not have done it without our awesome coaching staff and wonderful kids and parents so thank you to everyone who came and helped.

It was great seeing everyone at practice last week. Hopefully you have been consistent in your miles on days we don't meet and you have been taking care of your body. Those that are new to running, stick with it you will feel better after a few consistent weeks of training.

If you haven't paid your summer fee ($50) yet please do so this week at the main office at the school.

Also, I need everyone to sign one of these forms for summer cross country. If you could print this out and bring it to me this week that would be awesome. I will be bringing some to practice with me so if you don't have a printer I will give you one at practice to take home and get signed. Thanks!

We need to start getting word out about our Phoenix 5k Fundraiser. Please go to the Phoenix 5k tab for more info regarding this but start talking to sponsors/business for donations, sponsors and prizes and tell your friends and family to put it on their calendar.

Here is the schedule for this week:

Monday June 17th - 7AM @ Forbush Park (100 Main St, Farmington)

Tuesday June 18th - No team practice, run on your own (3-5 miles)

Wednesday June 19th -  7 AM @ Vita Trail (1533 E. 650 N. Fruit Heights)

Thursday June 20th -  No team practice, run on your own (3-5 miles)

Friday June 21st - 7 AM @ Heritage Park (1591 N 1075 W, Farmington)

Saturday June 22nd - No team practice, run on your own (3-7 miles). If you are new and ran every day this week, cross train today.