
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Moratorium Week

This week is our moratorium week. We will not be meeting as a team. Still get your runs in and log them on Strava. Run the same number of miles you did last week. We will increase next week. If you can, get in a 5k this week for the 4th of July.

A few dates to keep in mind:

  • The Fall Physical Night will be on July 31st at Layton IHC just west of I15 on Layton Parkway. The office is on the south end of the hospital on the third floor. It will start at 6:00 PM and end right around 7:30. Please make sure the players physicals are filled out BEFORE they arrive and the $25 fee needs to be either cash or check. If they need to pay with the credit card they can pick up their physicals in the main office the next day after they pay in the office. - This is for those that need a physical for the upcoming cross country season. You need a new one every year and can do it here or with your regular doctor. Visit the eligibility page to find the physical form.
  • July 29-31st is XC camp. Go to the cross country page for more details.
  • August 10th is the Phoenix 5K. 
Keep up the good work and don't undo everything you've done you to this point. We'll see you next Monday (July 8th).