
Sunday, March 3, 2024

3/3 Update


Our first week of the outdoor season is now behind us. It was great to have so many new people join us this week, and have some regularity with our practices. We're looking forward to getting into a rhythm with training and really taking some great strides with our team (pun intended).

We only have 10 weeks until state, 9 until region, 8 to BYU, 6 to Davis, 5 until the Phoenix Invite, etc. In other words, time is short so we need to use it wisely and to the best of our abilities.

Our first meet is upon us, the Snow Canyon Invitational. By now you know if you're going. Information for that meet can be found here. Concerning Snow Canyon and the rest of the outdoor season: Several of you have "U"s from 2nd term or any term in your 9th-12th grade year, and you won't be able to compete unless those are cleared prior to competition. If you're reading this, please go check to see how many you have.

Meeting Recap

One of the focuses of the meet was helping our athletes be committed to the team, and being a part of something bigger than themselves. The best way to get that started is to help/encourage your kids to be at each practice and to be a great teammate.

Furthermore, helping them eat enough and get the right amount of sleep. Both easier said than done, but with consistent reminders, help, and encouragement, hopefully our athletes move in the right direction where possible.

Announcements for the season will be made through GroupMe. There are groups for each events, and another for the parents. You can find those here: GroupMe Links

We are going to need an abundance of help this season, with meets, snacks, and the end of year banquet, among other things. If you'd like to help with anything, please view this sign up genius

Lastly, the expenses for track and field are seemingly unending. Amongst those bills are needed upgrades in our hurdles, additional poles for vault, more shots for our shot putters (this is probably our most urgent need), and other items needed to compete events. 

The Lion's share of our funding comes from hosting meets, but another opportunity that we're working on is event sponsorships. If you'd like to sponsor an event, your name/business can be promoted along with an event at our 3 days of invitationals that we will be hosting. To donate, see more information, please go to our DSD Gives website here: 2024 FHS Track and Field Sponsorship - DSD Give

This week

All practices are now mandatory. Missing practices may result in not being entered to compete at the following meets. Those of you in the class, be sure to come on A days. Those of you not in the class, be sure to come after school every day so we can continue to improve each day. 

We are going to begin working sprint relay handoffs with earnest, and those need to be done just about everyday. 

About a third of our team will be gone on Friday 3/8, but we will still be holding practice after school with the coaches who are here.

Next week (3/11-15)

The week after next is a bit odd, we have Monday/Tuesday (3/11,12) off of school, and we've been asked to practice at high Noon (12 PM) both days, so that soccer can hold a kids camp on the field around 2 PM each day. 

We will then be hosting our first of six days of track meets that we have here during 4th term, on Wednesday 3/13.

Everyone is required to be at the meet (and each of the meets we host) from beginning until the end. Fortunately, this time it is a B-day, so 8th period class members will come out at 1:35 as usual, and we will begin the set up. Those not in the class will come out after school.

Each person will have an assigned job for the meet, which will be posted on canvas and on here. Between the events that you are doing you will be tasked with helping the meet go smoothly, whether helping at a field event, at the finish line, moving blocks, moving hurdles, etc. Please be ready to do your job so that we can move the meet along, everyone having a good day to race, and be done in a timely manner.

Team Store

If you are interested in ordering any gear for the track season, you can order from the BSN team store. There are a number of different items. This is optional. The store will close in the next few days.

Fit for Life Credit through 8th Period

If you would like to get Fit for Life credit through the track class, you can pay $25 in the office for fit for life, and then bring your receipt to Coach Walkenhurst. There are a few hoops you'll need to jump through, but it's fairly simple.

Unassorted Thoughts

Here's a few random thoughts I wanted to get out there. 

We currently have a metal awards stand for top 3 finishers. It's rather small and unremarkable. If someone had the means, knowhow, and interest in making a better one (with 6-8 places), I'm sure the athletes would appreciate something a little better when being recognized for their accomplishments, and we'd be able to recognize more people in each event.

Parents and athletes should down load the app Meettrax. Many of the meets that we attend, and all that we host, will be using this platform. On the app you can find heat/flight/lane assignments, in addition to other items like the schedule, estimated time starts, etc. Athletes should claim their profile which has already been made in our team.

As a reminder, registration is coming due very soon on Register my athlete. For help, you can go here.

3rd term is coming to a close. If you have more than 1 F, a GPA less than 2.0, or multiple Us, you will not be eligible to compete during 4th term. Make sure your grades are where you need them to be. (Citizenship can be made up and you can become eligible, but GPA/grades typically cannot.)

As always, if you have any questions please let me know.

Coach Jacobson