
Saturday, April 22, 2023

4/23 update


I want to commend you all for great performances at Clearfield and Woods Cross. It's always a lot of fun seeing such hard work pay off at the meets. It's a bit sad to think that we are pretty much through the heart of the season. We are down to just a few meets remaining. 

Thank you to the parents and Coach Lyman for making the team dinner such a success. It was a great time with great food. Thank you to all involved.

Junior High Meet on Monday

We have been asked to host a Junior High Meet on Monday 4/24, with a start time of 1 PM. I said last week, and discussed at more length at multiple practices, that this meet will be a make-up opportunity for anyone who has missed any meets. Working for the entirety of this meet will be worth one meet of make-up - but helping here won't clear you from helping at the next two, which will require all hands on deck, so to speak.

The expectation is that you come out by 12:25 (during lunch - bring a lunch), scan in at 12:25, and scan out at the end. I anticipate the meet ending before 5 PM.

Here are the jobs for the meet.

Alternate Meet for everyone

I've been working on getting another meet where everyone can attend, particularly those who don't make it into Davis or BYU. The problem is the facility is constantly being used - and we have to host 2 junior high meets when we otherwise could do a meet for us. 

Between us and Layton we might be able to pull one off, and it might be very short notice. If we put one together last second obviously you wouldn't be penalized for missing, but I want to offer more opportunities for everyone. 

At this point sharing this information is only going to raise questions, for which I have no answers. When/if I have more information (even if that means it won't happen), I will let you know. Honestly the odds aren't super high, I just want you to know that we are trying.

The Davis Invitational

Let me give a brief explanation of the Davis invite and who gets in. 

The Davis invite is essentially two meets - the AM meet is called the open, the PM is called the invited /seeded section. The open has several heats of everything. The invited is one heat of everything. The way they set up the meet is anyone can register with times they got this year, and then they scratch everyone who is below a certain number. For example: say that 100 people sign up for the mile, but they only want 36 kids. They will take the fastest 36 kids and scratch the others. The fastest 12 or so of those kids will be in the invited section in the afternoon.) They also post a short list of alternates in case someone drops out last second, then they will fill in the gaps. There is no moving from the PM section to the AM section. If you are fast enough to make the PM session, they won't switch you.

Because of this method, we won't know who makes it into the meet until Wednesday or Thursday, at which point they will post the accepted entries, and I will share the link as well.

The schedule for the meet can be found at the link below, as well as a lengthy explanation of how the meet works. You can skim for the schedule if you'd like. They also posted an "estimated" cut off time for each event at the end of the document, but that is 100% a guess and will most likely be faster or slower in every event.

You can view the meet information here

That about covers it for the week. If you have any questions please let me know.

Coach Jacobson