
Monday, April 17, 2023

4/16 update


First, I want to say thank you to each of you who were there to help out at the meets this week. A lot was asked of you between those two days and you handled it quite well. We ran a fantastic meet on Friday, and made it great for spectators and all who participated - the credit for that goes to each of you. It was a ton of work for all involved, and I for one slept much better now that it is over. Although it was a lot of work and stress for me, I really enjoyed it.

We have 3 more meets we are hosting, below you will see a make-up opportunity for those who have missed helping at a meet.

This Week

This week, and pretty much every week, we will be staying busy. We will be travelling to Clearfield on Wednesday with the JV team, and on Friday we will be going to Woods Cross with the varsity group. You are welcome to attend both meets (while competing in one), but it is not required. We will have buses to the meets.


On that note - the district policy on busing is that you must ride the bus to the meets when one is provided. You may go home only with your own parent/guardian. Please be sure to abide by these policies.


The bus for Clearfield will be leaving at 2 PM on Wednesday (so those of you in the class will not need to arrive until 1:50, at which point we will scan in while getting on the bus). Those of you not competing on Wednesday may do a workout here, or there, and will begin at the usual time (1:35 due to late start). You'll know if you are competing at Clearfield and not at WX either today or tomorrow, depending on your event.

Event Order

Woods Cross/Friday

We are limited on entries to this meet, so not everyone will be able to go. If you make it in to this meet we will let you know by tomorrow. 

The bus will leave at 1 PM to WX. Those of you in the class who are not going to WX will be excused from 8th period, but will be expected to do a workout and not be wandering the halls. Ideally you'd join us to the meet and hang out with the team.

Practice Tuesday after ASPIRE Testing

We will be practicing on Tuesday at 2:40 on the track.

Team Dinner Thursday, 6 PM at the School

We will be holding our first team dinner on Thursday at the school. Thank you to the parents who volunteered to bring things! I believe there are still openings, so please sign up if you can!

Next Week/Missed meet make-up

On Monday 4/24 at 1 PM we will be hosting a Junior High meet with 4 schools. These meets are a lot of work, and we were allowed to begin early so that we aren't here all night. The following week we will be hosting another JH meet, this time south end, with like 8 schools, which will be even more work. 

Many of you have been asking about make-up for having missed meets we have hosted. Because this meet on 4/24 is a bit smaller, this one is going to be your make up opportunity. Those who weren't able to help for the entirety of past meets will be the ones asked to help here. This meet won't be extra credit, just make up.

If you are wondering if you need any make up, check your canvas grade (I'm hoping to have that updated by tomorrow), and that will give you an idea.

The meet will begin at 1 PM, so once again you will be excused from 4th period (I don't make the schedule, I just do what the district/region (district in this case) tells me, so I am sorry about that), but actually we'll need to be out there during lunch as well to get set up in time. I will post a job list in the coming days.

While this is a make-up opportunity, the truth is we are going to need more help than what is available with the few kids who missed the previous meets, so if you can help for a time, at the beginning or end, your help will be greatly appreciated. If you haven't missed a meet, but would still be willing to help, please fill out this form with a request on where you'd like to help. If you can help, you will be excused from class. Keep in mind, helping here won't give you a pass to miss any of the future meets.

I don't expect this meet to go super late, so please help if you can, otherwise we are going to be spread pretty thin.

As always, we could use help from parents in managing these meets, ranging from concessions to results. (In fact, we could really use help with results. To do that I will have a computer in the box you use to view the finish line photo, assign a time to each athlete, and then save the file - it's super easy and pretty interesting, it just requires an extra person to do it.) If you'd like to help, please let me know.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out.

Coach Jacobson