
Monday, November 1, 2021

November 1st-6th

What a great week we had. Both our girls and boys Varsity teams did amazing at State at the RAC in Rose Park. Our girls were 7th in 6A and in the meet merge with all schools in the state they were 10th. We had some great performances and we are so proud of our girls team in a very tough 6A classification. Our boys were able to not only win the 6A classification but were 1st in the meet merge with all schools. They were able to complete the 3-peat and we are very proud of them. Great work to all of our varsity kids. 2021 UHSAA State Championships Results

We also had a great showing at JV state on Saturday in Spanish Fork with some kids setting some 5k PRs and our girls were 3rd in 6A and our boys were 1st in 6A with Aaron Miller taking home the individual 6A JV State Title. Great job to everyone. Results can be found here: 2021 JV State Results

This week we are back on the work grind with some workouts coming as we have 3 weeks until NXR in Arizona. We need everyone to go on and pay for the trip ASAP. We can't get go on this trip until it is paid for and we need to take care of this NOW. Please go and pay the fees on your MyDSD. No meets this week but we will have Pre-Nike next week on TBD @Fort Beunaventura in Ogden. This will be a club race where we will not have a bus leaving the school to this meet and we will just meet everyone there at the park. Cost will be $2 so bring that with you to the park if you are interested in competing. 

With only 2.5 weeks until we leave for NXR please be at practice as much as you can. We know things will come up but please make this a priority, we are not taking everyone down to have a vacation, it's an opportunity to race at a big championship meet and it is a great opportunity for our team. 

In order for me to sign you up for NXR I need some more info from you and your parents. Please fill this form out ASAP so I can get your info in and get you signed up. Thanks! NXR Athlete Bio Registration Info

I also need everyone to print this form out and fill it out: NXR Participant Waiver You can then either hand it in to a coach at practice or scan it and email it over to coach Brower at 

Weekly Practice Schedule:

Monday November 1st: 3:15 PM @ FHS

Tuesday November 2nd: 3:15 PM @ FHS

Wednesday November 3rd: 3:15 PM @ FHS

Thursday November 4th: 3:15 PM @ FHS

Friday November 5th: 3:15 PM @ FHS

Saturday November 6th: 8:00 AM @ TBA

Mileage: Everyone will be at 90% this week. Some may need to go up to that, some will stay the same. Whatever you need, let's get to 90% this week. 

Morning Runs: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday are all good days for doubles depending on how much you need.