
Sunday, October 24, 2021

October 25th - 30th - STATE & JV STATE

We had a great training week this past week with some great quality workouts. We are now primed and ready to go for the State championships this Wednesday at the RAC in Rose Park for Varsity and Saturday in Spanish Fork for everyone else. Our girls and boys will race at 4:00 PM and 4:30 PM at the soccer complex and as it looks right now girls JV will be at 11:20 Saturday and boys at 12:00 PM. This may change based on entries into the races so keep a close eye here as well as RunnerCard for more info.

Wednesday's race will be at the Regional Athletic Complex (RAC) in Rose Park. Bus will leave FHS at 2:00 PM. I will excuse the team at 1:40 PM to get out to the bus. It will cost money to watch the race but I will pay for athletes on the team that ride the bus. If you don't ride the bus and drive on your own you will be expected to pay for a parking pass to get in to the event. If you are planning on riding the bus to state please fill this form out: 2021 STATE XC Bus

Tickets into the STATE championships will be based on the carload going into the park as you can't park anywhere else except for in the park. So if you have 1-2 people in the car it will cost $10. If you have 3 or more in a car it will be $20. If you are bringing an RV or other oversized vehicle it will cost $40 as it will take up more parking spots. Here is the link to buy your parking voucher: 2021 State XC Parking Voucher  You will need to purchase the voucher before hand by credit card, they will not have a cash option at the park. Please buy these in advance.

Saturday's race will be an on your own event. That means we won't have a bus going down so you would need to get your own ride down to Spanish Fork if you are interested in going. I will sign up whoever wants to race down there, if you haven't already done so, please sign up for the JV STATE Championships by Wednesday night at midnight here: 2021 JV State Registration I will post a course map once I get one but it will be at the Spanish Fork Sports Park - 295 Volunteer Dr, Spanish Fork, UT 84660

Weekly Schedule:

Monday October 25th - 3:15 PM @ FHS

Tuesday October 26th - 3:15 PM @ FHS

Bus will leave FHS @ 2:00 PM (Excused at 1:40)

Meet Schedule:
6A Girls 4:00 p.m.
6A Boys 4:30 p.m.

Course Map:

Thursday October 28th - 3:15 PM @ FHS

Friday October 29th - No practice - On your own Recovery or pre-meet

Those not racing will do a long distance run on your own or in small groups to finish out your mileage. 

Race Schedule:
9:00 - 1A-3A Girls
9:30 - 1A-3A Boys
10:00 - 4A-5A Girls
10:30 - 6A Girls
11:00 - 4A-5A Boys
11:30 - 6A Boys

Course Map:

Weekly Mileage: 90% - Varsity will go longer the 2nd half of the week so keep the 1st half shorter, JV bulk up the first half and then taper to JV STATE. 

Morning Runs: 
JV - Monday and Wednesday
Varsity - Thursday & Friday