
Sunday, December 2, 2018


Thanks to all those who helped support our trip to California this past weekend. We had a successful trip and gained some great experience. All distance (cross country) kids will now take a little 2 week break before we start things back up for indoor. Take this upcoming week entirely off to reset our minds and bodies. Get caught up with schoolwork and everything else you need to do. We do have the Egg Nog Challenge this Friday at the soccer field so you can go to that if you would like to.

As for the rest of the track team we will continue some training this week so follow the following schedule for practices this week:

Schedule for Sprints/Jumps/Throws/Hurdles

Monday December 3rd - No Practice (Parent teacher conferences 3-7 PM)

Tuesday December 4th - Practice @ 2:40 PM (meet up by the weight room on the indoor track)

Wednesday December 5th - Practice @ 2:40 PM (meet up by the weight room on the indoor track)

Thursday December 6th - Practice @ 2:40 PM (meet up by the weight room on the indoor track)

Friday December 7th - No Practice - Egg Nog Challenge for those that want to participate

We will continue to practice the next few weeks until Christmas Break. We will really get into it when we come back from the break. A reminder for those doing outdoor track, you need to get your schedule changed to take the sports conditioning class 8th period next semester (track class).

Spread the word on indoor track and let's get some more people out. Let's have a great week.