
Sunday, December 9, 2018

December 10th-15th

We have another week of indoor track practices. Thank to those who are coming out and telling your friends. Tell more friends and let's get this indoor track team built up. Distance kids I want you to do some cross training this week but I don't want you running quite yet, getting some other types of exercise in is great though. If you would like to come to practice on Thursday with the other track kids and start getting in some strength training you can.

Sprints/Hurdles/Throws/Jumps Schedule

Monday December 10th - No Practice - Get some cardio in on your own

Tuesday December 11th  - Practice @ 2:40 PM- Indoor track by the weight room

Wednesday December 12th - Practice @ 2:40 PM - Indoor track by the weight room

Thursday December 13th - Practice @ 2:40 PM - Indoor track by the weight room

Friday December 14th - No Practice - Get some cardio in on your own