
Friday, January 12, 2024

1/14 update


We've had a great start to our second semester. I loved meeting many new faces, it will take some time for the coaches to memorize names, so stay patient with us when we ask you for the 5th time. I've been very impressed with our sprint/jump/vault team, with the consistency so far, with the throwers and how they want to improve, and of course our distance team and their love of running in the snow. If we keep up the consistency and continue to level up, we'll become a very strong team.

Below are a few things to be aware of as we move forward.

There are two forms I'm asking athletes to fill out so that we know who wants to go on a few possible trips that we are going on - one to Pocatello (not school sponsored), and one to St. George (school sponsored). If you cannot go on the trip, please still out the form for us so we know you've been ruled out.

BYU Indoor Meet

This weekend there is an indoor meet at BYU. We aren't promoting this meet as a huge team event, but it is an opportunity to go down and compete. If you are interested, talk to your event coach and see if you should go down, and then registration is done on your own at the following site: BYU Indoor Invitational [High School][2024] - meettrax

For this meet there may be coaches going down on Friday night, but likely not at all on Saturday.

Schedule for 1/15-19

This week there is no school on Monday, and therefore no practice, so talk to your event coaches about potential workouts that you can do on your own or with friends.

We will have class on Tuesday/Thursday and then after school practice on Wednesday only. As a reminder, practices will rarely end right at 2:20. If you have sensitive things you need to attend to after school, we're accommodating to that during the winter season, but do what you can to make sure that you can complete the workouts before leaving. They will rarely go much beyond 2:45.

The Simplot Games

Please view the information at the link herein, some of which is time sensitive - including a form to share your interest level, for the Simplot Games: 

Snow Canyon Invitational - St. George, 3/8-9

We are hoping to take some of the team to St. George in early March. 

We will leave early in the morning on Friday 3/8, and return late Saturday night. The official cost is still TBD, but will be around $300 per person. This would be a school approved trip so absences will be excused.

Please be aware that we will NOT be able to take the entire team on this trip. Due to limitations for entries in the meet, we wouldn't be able to reasonably fill two buses, so we are limited to 1 bus, a maximum of 51 athletes. For the trip to be worth the cost, we will try to get most people in multiple events, but that is not guaranteed either.

We will have to make decisions on who can go compete. We are only allowed 6 entries per event, which means some of our athletes won't make the cut. That will be decided based on times from last year, xc, and done during indoor this year. Attendance at practices will also be given equal weight. Those who attend with consistency and with marks respectively closer to state qualifying standards will be given priority.

Please note that this is time sensitive, so please fill this out by Monday night, 1/15.

Below, please let me know your interest level after considering the cost. 

Snow Canyon Inv. Interest level.

Event Groupme

If you haven't yet joined your event group me, please go join at the following link.

Farmington Phoenix Track & Field and Cross Country: Event Groupme Links (

If you have any questions please let me know.

Coach Jacobson