
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

1/16 update


We have a bit of a weird week ahead of us. We won't be practicing together much, if at all. On Wednesday we will be having our first second semester class period, and we won't hold organized practice afterwards. Because Thursday is the practice ACT, we won't be practicing that day either. Friday without class we won't be practicing. We will be back to our normal schedule on Monday.

BYU indoor invite

For those of you wanting to go compete at the BYU indoor invite, here is the link to register. You can go here to see the schedule. They use a "bullpen" system, which means they make announcements to have you check in at the bullpen, then you need to go and sit in there until they take you to the start. If you miss the call for your event, they will scratch you - they are super strict and have little patience so be prepared. Also, for any running on Saturday, in the pace they have had you highlight your name on a piece of paper by the bullpen when you arrive for the day to confirm that you are in fact running (they do this to make sure they don't have empty lanes). If you don't highlight your name for each event they will scratch you, so you should be ready to do that incase they do that again.


If you haven't yet filled out this form to express your interest in going to Simplot, please do so. Time is running a bit short on room confirmation, so I need to know very soon who would like to go. Again, it is a ton of fun, and it's going to be a great meet. If you told me in person that you want to go, that isn't enough, I'll I need it all in one place on my computer so please take 60 seconds to fill out the form.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Coach Jacobson