
Friday, October 7, 2022

10/9 update


We are headed down to divisionals on Tuesday. Over the last few days I have spoken about the importance of each member of our team. As such, the expectation is that everyone on the team comes down to divisionals to support our 14 runners. Although most of you won't be running, you are still valued members of the team and can be a huge support to those racing. Wear your running gear and be prepared to run around the course to cheer on our runners. The same expectation will be had for state in a few weeks. 

We have 2 buses going to the meet, so we have room for everyone. If you absolutely cannot go due to some conflict, please let me know. Otherwise, you will be school excused after MAPS on Tuesday, so all classes missed after that can have work/tests made up without penalty, of course.

This week is also fall break, but we will be holding practices for those who are in town.

Monday - 3:15 at the school

Tuesday - Divisionals Lakeside Sports Park, Orem

Boys race at 1. Girls at 2.

Wednesday - 2:40 at the school (early start so people can head out of town, if applicable)

Thursday - 10 AM - Regional Park

  • 15 minute tempo; 3 minutes recovery; 4-8x400m and slightly faster than race pace with 1 minute standing recovery

Friday - AM, Time and Place tbd

  • Easy/recovery run

Saturday - stamina run on own.

  • 10 minute warm up; 30-40 stamina; 10-20 minute cool down. This type of run will be about 90 seconds slower per mile than 5k pace. 

The rest of this update is a repeat from what was sent out a few days ago.

If you would like to read a more complete recap from region, please go here.


It is time to get official numbers for who intend to go to nxr. Please fill out this form ASAP if you have any intention of going

We have nearly 100 kids saying they most likely want to go!

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Coach Jacobson