
Saturday, October 22, 2022

10/23 update



The time is upon us. On the one hand it feels like we began summer training a lifetime ago, but on the other it feels like the time has flown by. Regardless, I couldn't be more excited. Both the boys and girls team have a plan of execution, and I can't wait to see them race in the biggest race to date.

I'm also looking forward to seeing the rest of our team there running around the course in support. I think that can be something that really gives us an edge, so we are counting on everyone coming to support. I have requested 2 buses for us, so there is room for everyone. Like divisionals, the expectation is for everyone to come support. (Unlike divisionals we will have buses ready to pick us up as soon as we're ready and we won't be sitting around for 3 hours). Be aware that it is going to be in the low 40s, with a chance of rain, so dress accordingly. The pro move is to bring extra shoes and socks, which are destined to be soaked when on the grass, and switch them after the warm up - and for those not racing, to switch them after the races so you aren't as frozen. Don't go forgetting your bag afterwards though.

I am very proud of this group, you've worked incredibly hard all year to get to this point, and now Tuesday is your day to show off your fitness. 

The state race is at the Regional Athletic Complex in Rose Park. The girls will race at 10:30 and the boys at 11:30

Spectators will need to purchase a ticket beforehand to get into the meet at the following website:

Students riding the bus will not need to pay to enter, but you will get a wristband, certifying that the team is paying for you. I'm opposed to athletes on the team who are not racing paying to get into the state meet, so we will pay for it out of our budget. 

State Course Map

Excusal time:

Right now the buses are leaving at 8:15 AM. That might change, but plan on that. Those not racing will be excused at 8 AM (I know 30 minutes isn't much, but, as my old man would say, "it's better than a kick in the shins), but if you don't ride the bus I cannot excuse your absences (in the past some kids have left class and then not come to the meet, which is problematic). So, we'll take roll on the bus and send out an excusal request to the secretary.

Those who are racing will be excused from the entire day.

The return time is going to be around 1 PM, it might be slightly earlier, but at that point your going to need to eat lunch, so I vote for a team lunch at Cafe Rio upon return, but I'm open to suggestions. Bring some money just in case.


Please go to this page to see updated information on NXR. We are out of the urgent phase, but there are still many details to hash out. Check the committed list to verify that I have you going. Please check the list of names who I haven't definitively heard from and let me know asap if you are going.

JV State

This is another opportunity for our JV runners to race. If you'd like to go, I send me an email and I will respond when you are registered. The cost will be $8 (unless we have only boys, and less than 10, in which case it will 50/number of runners)

Here are the people I have signed up so far for JV state.

Austin, Trey 
Findlay, Henry 
Grover, Shane 
Lund, Ethan 
Miller, Joseph 
Scott, Jacob 
Ward, Casey

Sign up closes at 6 PM on Thursday, so I'll need to know if you are going before practice concludes on Thursday.

Phoenix 5k

If you are willing to help out at the Phoenix 5k please fill out this signup genius

Thanks for all your help and support,

Coach Jacobson