
Friday, July 29, 2022

7/31 Update


Hard to believe that August will be here in one day... And yet, here we are. The time has come to start upping the intensity of our workouts. After 8 weeks of base building you are ready to start the next phase, which will begin to incorporate some faster work. On Monday we will be doing some specific work on the grass and Heritage Park, so if you have cross country flats, bring them. If you don't have any, that's ok, but I recommend getting some as soon as you can. SLRC (formerly Wasatch Running) in Centerville will have some, or you can buy online. You can view the schedule for the week below, and notice that we are no longer just doing distance runs, but we'll have some more stuff mixed in there, including some light specific work and some tempo runs. I cannot wait to get going with that.

I know many of you have been in and out of town, and that is great. Again, get some running in while you are gone. Some of you have found it increasingly difficult to wake up in the morning or simply want to come run at such an hour. Please consider this your encouragement and invitation to return, no longer how many days you have missed. We need you, and our team is better with you. Region and State Championships are won, in large part, during the summer months. So let's use the last few weeks as best we can. If you have friends who have been missing, encourage them to come, offer them a ride, do whatever you can you help them give their best.

Camp Volunteers - 8/8-8/12

The camp is going to be organized by having a morning workout and/or activity and evening run and/or activity with meals on each day that we have volunteers. Times will vary depending on when people are able to host.

Parents, I have spoken with a couple of you about the possibility of hosting an activity or team meal for our camp. If you are interested in hosting something please let me know as soon as you can. If you are able and interested, just reply to me with what/when, and I will plug you in.

I don't expect to fill every day with team meals, but it just depends on how many volunteers we have. Athletes will be asked to bring $2 to each of the meals to help offset the costs and trouble of preparing the meal.

  • Hosting a team breakfast or dinner (at your home or a nearby park).
  • Hosting a team activity (such as pool party, playing lawn games, movie night or other activities you may have access to).
Register my Athlete

If you haven't completed registermyathlete, please do so ASAP.

Schedule for 8/1-8/7

Week 8 - 100%
MondayAugust 1Heritage ParkGrass repeats @ Race Pace4-7 miles
TuesdayAugust 2(on own)Recovery run3-8 miles
WednesdayAugust 3FHS10 minutes easy, 15 minute Lactate Threshold (tempo), 10-20 minutes easy4-7 miles
ThursdayAugust 4(on own)Recovery run3-8 miles
FridayAugust 5Freedom Hills ParkSteady Run3-8 miles
SaturdayAugust 6(on own)Long Run5-11 miles
SundayAugust 7

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Coach Jacobson

Time Trial Results

Saturday, July 23, 2022

7/24 update


Well done to those who raced at the Deseret News this morning! It was a lot of fun to see you all and there were some good times and great efforts. Looking forward to what is to come with this team!

Another week down and the summer is starting to wrap up. There is a lot in here so I'll try to make it all clear. There is information concerning the camp, the schedule for the week, getting a physical, the Phoenix 5K, and the team store, which closes Wednesday. 

Team Camp - "at-home"

We will be holding a "stay at home" camp during the week of 8/8 - 8/13, which is the week of our first meet. We will be holding practices each morning, Monday-Friday, and will have a team meal/activity each day as well. We will need parents to volunteer to host meals/activities, like swimming or an outdoor movie night. We will be setting individual and team goals during the camp, and working to become the best version of ourselves. I will send out details and specific requests in the coming weeks. 

Schedule for this week

Week 7 - 100%
MondayJuly 25Buffalo Ranch (Church)Distance Run, Flat Sprints (5), Strides (5)3-8 miles
TuesdayJuly 26(on own)Distance Run, Strides (7-9)3-7 miles
WednesdayJuly 27VitaDistance Run3-8 miles
ThursdayJuly 28(on own)Distance Run, Strides (7-9)3-7 miles
FridayJuly 29Forbush ParkWarm up + 5K time trial/tempo + cool down3-7 miles
SaturdayJuly 30(on own)4-10 miles
SundayJuly 31

Register my Athlete/Physical

Please remember that each athlete needs to complete the registration at and complete the physical. This year's fall physical night will be July 26th from 6-8 PM at the high school. It is $25, and you need to have the form printed before going. You do not have to go to this, you may go to your own doctor, obviously, but sometimes it can be difficult to get an appointment, so this is a good option if needed. Whether you come here or to your own doctor, the same form will need to be filled out and signed. It is then uploaded to registermyathlete. You do not need to bring the physical to me, uploading it is sufficient.

Phoenix 5K - postponed

This summer has been very busy for you and all of our coaches, and at this point there is no way we can pull off the Phoenix 5K in August (8/6) when it was originally planned. Some coaches will be out of town on that day, and I'll be out of town at the beginning of the week. Therefore, we are going to postpone the 5K until November, and it may double as a Nike tune-up race for us, as well as a fundraiser. I'll will send an update on that as we get closer. 

Team Store

We have put together a team store for parents, athletes, and anyone to order XC gear. Buying anything from the store is totally optional, and is separate from the summer shirt you got/will get for summer xc, and is separate from the uniforms which will be issued.

When the team store closes, all orders will be processed and sent to the school in “bundles” of the items you ordered. With shipping/production delays, I hope most things would be here by the time school starts. It may be sooner or later than that.

Again, this is optional, and I hope that you find something that you like and that works for you.

You can access the store here.

You’ll find options for the following items, some of which have 2 brand options:
t shirt
Long Sleeve T
Crew Neck sweaters
Tapered pants
Running tights

If you have any questions please let me know.

Coach Jacobson

Friday, July 15, 2022

7/17 update


I'm sending this out now because I'll be out of town this weekend. We had another excellent week, and we are at the point of the season where we are putting in a lot of miles. This is when we really start to see aerobic gains which will enable you to reach new heights this fall. I hope you're enjoying it as much as I am.

This is also the time where you might find yourself being a bit more fatigued than usual. Rely on your habits and discipline to carry you through what you need to do if you ever find your motivation lacking. If you feel more aches and pains than usual, to the point that you are concerned about it, definitely talk to me about it at practice.

Team Store

We will have an online team store available on Wednesday, where you can order any gear that you are interested in, parents included. It will close the next week. Stay tuned for more information on that.

Meet Schedule

The meet schedule is slowly coming together. You can find the meet schedule at the link above. We have our first meet on Saturday, August 13th. If you will be out of town or otherwise unable to compete please let me know so I don't enter you.


Before you are able to compete, each of you will need to get a physical for this school year. The latest guidance I have received is that physicals are good for the school year in which they are received. You are welcome to go get your own physical through your primary care physician, which is often covered by insurance, or you may come to the school to get one. You will need to have the form filled out prior to arriving. I've included the form at the end of this post. The information from the athletic director concerning the physicals is included below:

"The date for this year's fall physical night will be July 26th from 6-8 PM at the high school. It is $25 and every dollar comes back to the school for tape, bandages, and many other necessities for our athletes.  


Schedule for the Week

Week 6 - 100%
MondayJuly 18FHSDistance Run with progression, Flat Sprints (4-5), Strides (5-6)3-8 miles
TuesdayJuly 19(on own)Distance Run, Strides (6-8)3-7 miles
WednesdayJuly 20Freedom Hills ParkDistance Run, Hill Sprints (5-6), Strides (4-5)3-8 miles
ThursdayJuly 21(on own)Distance Run, Strides (6-8)3-7 miles
FridayJuly 22Ponds ParkDistance run with pick up, hill sprints (4), strides (3-4)3-7 miles
SaturdayJuly 23(on own)Long Run4-10 miles
SundayJuly 24

Sunday, July 10, 2022

7/10 update


It was great to be back running together this week. It was a lot of fun to see so many of you at the Farmington Festival races - and seriously, how good was that breakfast? So good. We are at the halfway mark of our summer training so be sure to keep doing those things we've been harping on. Be consistent and help your teammates to do the same.

I'm looking forward to the rest of July, it is going to be a lot of fun and we are going to work hard. Below you will find the schedule for the week. Notice on Wednesday that we will be doing Vita. Some of you were a bit nervous about coming to that one last time, but let me assure you, that you can totally do it. There is a hill at the start but afterwards it is super nice. Just take the hill nice and easy, don't race up it, and you'll be fine. If you've never ran it before, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Deseret News Races - Saturday July 23rd

The Deseret News 10K/Half Marathon/Marathon is held on July 23rd (info found at run.deseret.comin SLC, and finishes along the route where people line up to view the Days of ’47 parade. 

There is a high school competition as well in the 10k. Teams of 4 (with 3 scoring) will compete against each other, with the top 3 teams receiving hats from Wasatch Running, and the winning team get trophies. If you are interested in doing that, please let me know. I already have one group of boys, and am hoping we can add more. We still need to finalize a team of girls. 

From the meet director (Talley, who some of you know): And your runners can use the code "RunDeseretHS" to get into the 10K for $35. That will last right until the end of registration. That code also works for coaches or family members of your team. And will also give $20 off the half marathon.

So, if any of you parents would like to run, that code gives you a substantial discount. I'll be doing the 10K and I'm hoping I can finish before the team award ceremonies!

If you have any questions please let me know. 

Coach Jacobson

Week 5 - 90-100%
MondayJuly 11Buffalo Ranch (Church)Distance Run, Flat Sprints (3), Strides (4-5)3-7 miles
TuesdayJuly 12(on own)Distance Run, Strides (3-6)3-7 miles
WednesdayJuly 13VitaDistance Run3-8 miles
ThursdayJuly 14(on own)Distance Run, Strides (6-8)3-7 miles
FridayJuly 15Skater ParkDistance run with pick up, hill sprints (4), strides (3-4)3-7 miles
SaturdayJuly 16(on own)Long Run4-10 miles
SundayJuly 17