
Sunday, July 10, 2022

7/10 update


It was great to be back running together this week. It was a lot of fun to see so many of you at the Farmington Festival races - and seriously, how good was that breakfast? So good. We are at the halfway mark of our summer training so be sure to keep doing those things we've been harping on. Be consistent and help your teammates to do the same.

I'm looking forward to the rest of July, it is going to be a lot of fun and we are going to work hard. Below you will find the schedule for the week. Notice on Wednesday that we will be doing Vita. Some of you were a bit nervous about coming to that one last time, but let me assure you, that you can totally do it. There is a hill at the start but afterwards it is super nice. Just take the hill nice and easy, don't race up it, and you'll be fine. If you've never ran it before, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Deseret News Races - Saturday July 23rd

The Deseret News 10K/Half Marathon/Marathon is held on July 23rd (info found at run.deseret.comin SLC, and finishes along the route where people line up to view the Days of ’47 parade. 

There is a high school competition as well in the 10k. Teams of 4 (with 3 scoring) will compete against each other, with the top 3 teams receiving hats from Wasatch Running, and the winning team get trophies. If you are interested in doing that, please let me know. I already have one group of boys, and am hoping we can add more. We still need to finalize a team of girls. 

From the meet director (Talley, who some of you know): And your runners can use the code "RunDeseretHS" to get into the 10K for $35. That will last right until the end of registration. That code also works for coaches or family members of your team. And will also give $20 off the half marathon.

So, if any of you parents would like to run, that code gives you a substantial discount. I'll be doing the 10K and I'm hoping I can finish before the team award ceremonies!

If you have any questions please let me know. 

Coach Jacobson

Week 5 - 90-100%
MondayJuly 11Buffalo Ranch (Church)Distance Run, Flat Sprints (3), Strides (4-5)3-7 miles
TuesdayJuly 12(on own)Distance Run, Strides (3-6)3-7 miles
WednesdayJuly 13VitaDistance Run3-8 miles
ThursdayJuly 14(on own)Distance Run, Strides (6-8)3-7 miles
FridayJuly 15Skater ParkDistance run with pick up, hill sprints (4), strides (3-4)3-7 miles
SaturdayJuly 16(on own)Long Run4-10 miles
SundayJuly 17