
Sunday, February 27, 2022

February 28th - March 5th

Outdoor track is officially here and we have some nicer weather coming at us this week. Still bring layers to practice just in case as you know the weather around here can change quickly. Thanks to everyone who has come out to track practice everyday. It is the expectation that you are there everyday. Every A day you should block out 2:40-5:00 PM and on B days, if you’re in the class, block out until 3:30 in case your practice goes longer. Please communicate with your event coach and fill out the “practice conflict form” anytime you have to miss practice for a RARE thing. This should not be something you fill out regularly. Please be at practice. Monday we will meet with the group captains during lunch and assign them a group of kids to keep track of for attendance. You will find out who you have at practice Monday. This is the captain you should report to when something comes up. They will mark attendance each day so we will know who is at practice and who isn’t.

If you have anything to finish for eligibility, please take care of that this week. Our Spring Sports Physical night will be this Wednesday from 6-8 PM. The cost will be $25 and everything goes back to our training room to stock up supplies. Cash, check or credit card will be accepted. Please come with your physical papers filled out and ready to go. If you need a copy of the physical needed, check the eligibility page for the forms. 

This week we will have a time trial on Tuesday to run through some events and get some times down. We won’t run every event but a majority so we can get an idea where we are and help gear us up for our first meet on Thursday March 10th at home against Layton. If you haven’t already, please go look at the schedule/results page and put our meets on your calendar so you know when they are. The dual region meets will mostly be JV meets with the italicized meets marked as varsity meets. At these ones, we can only take a certain amount of athletes to or they may have standards in order to qualify for them. More info on these will come out the week of the meet. 

Weekly Practice Schedule:

Monday February 28th - 1:10 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs (or right after school for those not in the track class)

Tuesday March 1st - 2:40 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs 
Time Trials

Wednesday March 2nd - 1:25 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs (or right after school for those not in the track class)
6-8 PM - Physical night at FHS

Thursday March 3rd - 2:40 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs

Friday March 4th -  1:10 PM @ FHS Auditorium Stairs (or right after school for those not in the track class)

Saturday March 5th - On your own - Check Train Heroic