
Sunday, August 29, 2021

August 30th-September 4th - Top of Utah

Great job to everyone last week at our pre-region race at Layton Park. It was fun to see some of you negative split from your first to second mile and we got a good little preview of the region course. If you haven't seen results for pre-region, they are here: 2021 Region 1 Pre-region Results. This week we are racing on Friday at the Weber County Fairgrounds. We understand it is labor day weekend so hopefully with the race being on Friday it is more doable but if you aren't able to make it please fill out the race conflict form. Meet schedule and bus times are listed below.

Now that school has started back up it is extremely important that we don't fall behind and we have to stay up late doing homework. Take advantage of the hour after school before practice, or make sure you aren't procrastinating doing things. Make sure you are doing the following things CONSISTENTLY:
*8-9 hours of sleep a night
*Getting proper food in you especially shortly after workouts/runs
*Hydrating during school (bring your water bottle with you to class)
*Rolling out and stretching daily (roll out deep 2-3 times a week on sore or tight spots, not every day)
*Coming to practice and RUNNING!

Thank you to the Hess family and everyone else who helped out with our team dinner this past week. For this week, we are doing a team dinner Thursday night at the Wheeler residence. This will be at 6 PM at 128 N 700 W in Kaysville. 

If anyone is looking into trying to run in college, you will want to make sure you have enough credits to pass the NCAA clearing house. This link gives you an idea of what classes are needed. You can talk with Alan Porter at our school to have him make sure you are eligible for competing in college: FHS NCAA Links

Weekly Practice Schedule:

Monday August 30th - 3:15 PM @ FHS

Tuesday August 31st - 3:15 PM @ FHS

Wednesday September 1st - 3:15 PM @ FHS

Thursday September 2nd - 3:15 PM @ FHS
**Team Dinner @ 6 PM - 128 N 700 W in Kaysville

Friday September 3rd - Top of Utah Invite @ Weber County Fairgrounds - Buses Leave FHS @ 1:10 PM - (High Schoolers will be excused from 8th period)

Meet Schedule:
3:00 pm Rookie Boys Race 
3:20 pm Rookie Girls Race 
3:45 pm Varsity Boys Race (Top 9)
4:00 pm Varsity Girls Race (Top 9)
4:15 pm JV Boys Race 6A
4:30 pm JV Girls Race 
5:15 pm **Varsity Awards

Course Map:

Saturday September 4th - TBA

Weekly Mileage Chart: This week we will keep our mileage the same as last week so we should be at 100% of our max mileage. If you are planning a max of 40 miles, you should hit 40 this week. The best way to get some more mileage is to have a longer run on Saturday and do a few doubles where you run at practice and in the morning. Wednesdays would be great days to get a morning run in. 

Sunday, August 22, 2021

August 23rd - 28th - Pre-Region

Great job to everyone at the Freber classic yesterday. We had a great showing at our first race. If you haven't seen results yet, you can find them here: Freber Classic 2021 Results.  If you have any pictures from the race or any practice or races we do this season, please upload those onto the group photo album: 2021 Farmington XC Photo Album

Big thanks to the Martineau, Christy, and Nelson families for helping with our team dinner this past week. For a reference to future parents hosting team dinners they used about 8 packages of pasta, 4 large salad kits, 8 long loaves of French bread and about 80 cookies. There were maybe 10-15 kids missing that would probably normally come. Just as a reference, now you don't always have to do pasta but it is easy and a usual favorite. This week the team dinner will be at the Hess residence: 1259 S Kentucky Derby Way. Please park at the tennis court and swimming pool on Western Drive and walk. 

Cindy Reaveley (Katie's Mom) is heading up some team yard signs that say your name and Farmington XC. If you are interested (this is totally optional) the cost for a yard XC sign is $10. All you need to do is Venmo the $10 to @cindreav and in the comments list what name you want on the sign. This is not run through the school, it is a parent run event so again, you do not have to do this. If you are interested, please Venmo Cindy by midnight on Tuesday night (24th) so she can get going on the order. 

Another thing going on is I have been in touch with Hype Socks and we are looking into doing an order with them for some Farmington XC socks. This is the design we are going with so if you are interested in purchasing a pair of socks, please fill out this form so Coach Brower can invoice your MyDSD and you can pay for them there. The cost for a pair of socks is $15. This is also optional. Please fill this form out by midnight on Wednesday night if you want some socks.  2021 Farmington XC Sock Order

This week we have our Pre-Region race at Layton park on Thursday. Check the schedule below for the exact time of your race, but the first race will be at 3:30. Please make sure you fill out the race conflict form or the bus conflict form if you have any conflicts with the meet this week. The race will just be a two mile race but will give you a preview of the region course. Please ride the bus to and from the meet unless there is a circumstance that won't allow that (which should be rare). 

Weekly Practice Schedule:

Monday August 23rd - 3:15 PM @ FHS

Tuesday August 24th - 3:15 PM @ FHS
*Venmo Cindy Reaveley (@cindreav) by midnight if you are interested in purchasing a yard sign.

Wednesday August 25th - 3:15 PM @ FHS

*Team dinner @ 6PM at the Hess residence: 1259 S Kentucky Derby Way. Please park at the tennis court and swimming pool on Western Drive and walk. 

*Fill out the 2021 Sock order form by midnight tonight if you are interested in purchasing some Farmington XC Socks. 

Thursday August 26th - Pre-Region @ Layton Park - Buses leave FHS @ 1:40 - High Schoolers will be excused at 1:20 PM from 8th period. 

Meet Schedule:
Girls JV 3:30
Boys JV 4:00
Girls Varsity 4:30 (10 runners)
Boys Varsity 5:00 (10 runners)

Friday August 27th - 3:15 PM @ FHS

Saturday August 28th - 7:00 AM @ 729 Shepard Ln, Farmington - Church on Shephard by Shephard park. 60 Minute Stamina. See this link for paces.

Weekly Mileage Chart: This week we will increase our mileage up 10% so we should be at 100% of our max mileage. If you are planning a max of 40 miles, you should hit 40 this week. The best way to get some more mileage is to have a longer run on Saturday and do a few doubles where you run at practice and in the morning. Wednesdays would be great days to get a morning run in. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Team Dinners

Team Dinners:

-To be held the evening before each race
-You can host or just help
-If you host, you will need to figure out if you'll be having it at your house or if you'd like to do it somewhere else. The school or Farmington rec pavilion are always options, you just need to coordinate with Coach Brower if you would like to do this.
-This is not a fancy event and is not meant to be a stressful thing for parents! Keep it simple. The kids love it no matter what.
-we usually provide pasta, bread, salad and dessert.
-be flexible, times & dates might be adjusted 

Please reach out if you have any questions.

Niki Martineau 


Sign up at the link below to help out:

Sunday, August 15, 2021

August 16th - 21st - Freber Classic

Our first meet of the season is upon us. We have had to make a few changes to our meet schedule due to the Weber State meet cancelling their invite and as such a few things got moved around. Long story short, this Saturday we are having our first meet of the 2021 XC season at Fremont high. The meet will start at 9 AM and a more detailed schedule of the meet is listed below. I know this change may have conflicts with some of your plans for the weekend before school starts so if you are not able to attend the meet this Saturday please fill out this form so I know not to sign you up. 2021 Farmington XC Race Conflict Form

Because our first meet is this week we are having our 4th annual time trials night Monday night. The time trials will start at 8 PM but you don't need to arrive any earlier than that. We will all arrive at 8 PM and gather in the West bleachers. We will do a quick parent meeting, announce our team captains and send the teams to go warm up. By the time we get through the meeting, the warm up and announcements we will click on the stadium lights and do a 2 mile race under the lights to determine the top 10 spots for the boys and girls to race in the varsity race on Saturday. Some races will have 10 spots for varsity, some will have only 7. For our first race we can enter our top 10 runners into the varsity race. So based on our time trial night as well as our Phoenix 5K we will determine who our top 10 are to represent Farmington at the varsity race Saturday. Everyone who is not a part of the top 10 will still race Saturday in the JV race (see schedule below). 

As a part of our parent meeting at the time trial night we will be announcing info on team dinners. If you are interested in helping out with a team dinner, please fill out this form: 2021 XC Team Dinner Parent Form. More info to come Monday night.

Weekly Practice Schedule
Monday August 16th - 8 PM Time Trial Night @ FHS - Meet at the bleachers on West side. 
** - Do a morning run 2-4 miles on your own.

Tuesday August 17th - 2:30 PM @ Church on 1525 W - by buffalo ranch trail (549 S 1525 W, Farmington)

Wednesday August 18th - 2:30 PM @ Farmington Park (behind rec center)

Thursday August 19th - 2:30 PM @ Forbush Park

Friday August 20th - 2:30 PM @ FHS

Saturday August 21st - Freber Classic @ Fremont High - Buses leave FHS @ 7:15 AM

Meet Schedule:
9:00am BOYS Varsity
9:30am GIRLS Varsity
10:00am BOYS JV
10:30am GIRLS JV

Course Map:

Weekly Mileage Chart: This week we will stay at 90% of our max mileage. So stay the same as you were this past week. We should be about 90% of our max mileage. If you are planning a max of 40 miles, you should hit 36 this week. The best way to get some more mileage is to have a longer run on Saturday and do a few doubles where you run at practice and either in the morning or night (depending on when we have practice).

Sunday, August 8, 2021

August 9th - 14th

THANK YOU to everyone who helped make our 4th annual Phoenix 5K a success. We had a great turn out and hopefully everyone had fun. It was fun to see so many people run great times and we are just starting August. Congrats to Simon Mitchell (Farmington Alumni), Isaac Halverson, Spencer Bradshaw and Skye Siddoway for all running under the previous course record times. If you haven't seen results, you can find them here: Phoenix 5K 2021 Results.

Biggest thing we need to focus our attention on now is our Eligibility. PLEASE GET IT DONE!! If you haven't at least done your Register My Athlete by Tuesday at 1:00 PM you will NOT be running with us this season. If you haven't turned your physical in, get it in as soon as you can and if you haven't scheduled one, do that NOW!!! Also, only 14 of you have filled out the Team Disclosure. If you haven't done that yet, which is most of you, please do it this week. 

This week we will also start some heat training to prepare us for the season but not every day will be in the afternoon this week. Pay close attention to the schedule so you know when practice is. I know some of you have work and may not be able to make the afternoon practices but do your best and make sure you have the 3-5 slot open once school starts. 

Last thing, the air quality is not great and will stay that way most of the week. If you start to notice any breathing or respiratory issues I would recommend finding a place to run indoors. If you are concerned, bring a mask and limit your exposure to the outside air as little as possible. We will still hold practice as it will be moderately bad and not severely bad, if the reports change and it gets worse we may have to look at options to run indoors. 

Weekly Practice Schedule

Monday August 9th - 7:00 AM @ Wasatch Running Center (316 N Marketplace Dr C200, Centerville) 
*We are doing a run from Wasatch running center with the 2021 National 50KM Road National Champ Preston Johnson (Local boy). There will be food following the run as well as some prizes, giveaways and deals on spikes and shoes. This link will take you to the route we are going to do tomorrow.

Tuesday August 10th - 7:00 AM @ FHS

Wednesday August 11th - 2:00 PM @ Pioneer Park (1285 S Angel St, Kaysville)

Thursday August 12th - 3:00 PM @ Skater Park (or South Park - 1384 S Frontage Rd, Farmington)

Friday August 13th - 7:00 AM @ Forbush Park (99 Main St, Farmington)

Saturday August 14th - On your own, get in a longer run to finish your weekly mileage. 

Weekly Mileage Chart: This week we will go up 10% from last week. So we should be about 90% of our max mileage. If you are planning a max of 40 miles, you should hit 36 this week. The best way to get some more mileage is to have a longer run on Saturday and do a few doubles where you run at practice and either in the morning or night (depending on when we have practice).

Sunday, August 1, 2021

August 2nd - 7th - Phoenix 5k!

We had a great week at camp this past week. Thanks to everyone who came and helped make it a memorable one. We are approaching our season very quickly and it is crucial we stay on top of our running (including logging it on Strava). We made some team goals at camp so let's get after it and continue to build a prestigious XC program here at Farmington. Thanks for being great kids and not causing problems at camp. You guys rock. A few things we need to be aware of....

1. Our online team store is up and running to get team gear for this XC season. This is optional and is run through one of the parents: Niki Martineau. If you have questions please contact her at:

The shop will close on August 3rd at midnight. Please get your orders in as we won't do a 2nd order. 

2. We also need help with packet pickup next Friday as well as help with the 5K. If you have parents or friends who want to help but don't want to run the race, have them sign up through this link:

3. If you haven't already, please sign up for the Phoenix 5k. We need to have everyone signed up so we can plan for breakfast and to know how many people will be there. If you haven't already done so, please go and register here:

We also need you to bring in your prizes. We haven't gotten very many and you guys help make this race a fun one for everyone with the prizes. Get those in. Thanks!!

4. If you haven't started your eligibility, do it NOW. Go to Register My Athlete as soon as you can to get that started. I need hard copies of the physicals, not just uploaded on to RMA I need a physical copy in my hands. Please don't wait. 

Weekly Practice Schedule:

Monday August 2nd: 7 AM @ Farmington Park (178 S 650 W, Farmington - Behind Rec Center)

Tuesday August 3rd: 7 AM @ Nichols Park (1105 E Nicholls Rd, Fruit Heights)

Wednesday August 4th: 7 AM - Boys @ Ponds Park / 7 AM - Girls @ Angel St Soccer Complex (200 S Angel St, Kaysville)

Thursday August 5th: 7 AM @ Heritage Park (1591 N 1075 W, Farmington)

Friday August 6th: 7 AM @ FHS (Meet by the drivers ed parking lot just outside the stadium)

Saturday August 7th: 6:15 AM @ FHS - Phoenix 5K - Race Starts at 7 AM. 

Weekly Mileage Chart: This week we will be at about 75-80% of your max mileage so up 5-10% from last week. If you are maxing your mileage out at 40 miles, this week you will run 30-32 miles.