
Sunday, April 4, 2021

April 5th-10th - Region Meet @ Bountiful & Phoenix Fire Fest

Welcome back guys, we hope you had a great Spring Break and that you got your workouts in and are ready to get back at it. We are now in the heart of the season. The next few weeks we have many meets and it's important to pay attention to all announcements so you know when you compete and when we need your help with home meets and Jr. high meets. 

This week we have a region meet @ Bountiful. It will just be us and Bountiful so the meet should be a shorter one. We also have a home invitational, "Phoenix Fire Fest," on Friday and need everyone's help in running the meet. We want our home meet to be one of the best in the state and we need people to help make it run smoothly. This is how we are going to do the meets this week. Those that will compete at our home invitational Friday will not compete on Thursday. Those competing Thursday will likely not be competing Friday but we still need you there Friday to help run the meet. To sign up for the meet on Thursday, we are going to have you fill out a Google Form so we don't miss anybody. Now in order to sign up for the meet, you also need to sign up for shifts to help cover at our home meet on Friday. You can either take the same job the entire time or switch it up halfway. So you need to sign up for the following TWO links to compete Thursday and to help out Friday.

2021 - Phoenix Fire Fest Assignments - Sign up

2021 - Region Meet @ Bountiful - April 8th - Sign up

Weekly Practice Schedule

Monday April 5th - 2:40 PM @ FHS - Auditorium Stairs

Tuesday April 6th 1:10 PM @ FHS - Auditorium Stairs

Wednesday April 7th - 2:40 PM @ FHS - Auditorium Stairs

Thursday April 8th - Region Meet @ Bountiful - Buses Leave @ 2:00 PM

Meet Starts at 3:30 PM

Friday April 9th - Phoenix Fire Fest @ Farmington - Field Events Start at 2:30, Track events Start at 3:30. 

Saturday April 10th - On your own, check train heroic for your workouts. 

Distance Weekly Mileage: Keep Mileage the same as last week, (100%)

Morning Runs: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday