
Sunday, February 28, 2021

March 1st - 6th

Thank you to everyone who has been coming to practice EVERY DAY. The hard work will pay off. This is a friendly reminder that if you are wanting to participate with us this track season you need to make practice a priority. The season is officially underway and our first meet is a week from this Thursday (March 11th). So we need to make sure we are at practice and also make sure we are taking care of ourselves (stretching, rolling out, icing, eating well, sleeping, hydrating etc). All of the little things add up to helping us be at the top of our game. 

On Wednesday we will all be getting tested here at the school for Covid. If you haven't already filled out this Covid Testing Consent Form, please download this and bring it with you on Wednesday. EVERYONE HAS to get tested or you won't be able to participate in practice and competitions until you have a negative test. Our test time will be given to us later but it will be sometime between 12-2 on Wednesday. 

This week we will have a very similar practice schedule like last week. Please tell your friends who don't read this that they need to be at practice every day INCLUDING FRIDAYS.

Also please make sure you fill out the 2021 Track Covid Screening form every day after you have had your temperature checked by a coach. 

Weekly Practice Schedule:

Monday March 1st: - 2:40 PM @ FHS - Auditorium Stairs

Tuesday March 2nd: - 1:10 PM @ FHS - Auditorium Stairs

Wednesday March 3rd: - 2:40 PM @ FHS - Auditorium Stairs

*Covid Testing at 2:00 PM. Everyone needs to get tested. 

Thursday March 4th: - 1:10 PM @ FHS - Auditorium Stairs

Friday March 5th: - 2:00 PM @ FHS - West Stadium Bleachers

Saturday March 6th: - On your own - Check Train Heroic

Distance Mileage: Keep it the same as last week (90% of max mileage)