
Sunday, March 15, 2020

March 16th - March 30th - 2 Week Corona Virus Moratorium

Hey team. What a week. We had a great first meet and saw some great performances. This year is already off to a better start than last year. I wanted to thank everyone for their help in running the meet Thursday. It definitely takes a lot of hands to make it run smoothly and I think we did just that so THANK YOU!!

RESULTS from our first tri meet Thursday.

Obviously this was also a very unique week with everything that happened with the Corona Virus. Due to the events we are not allowed to participate in any meets or hold practice. I am not sure where the rest of the season sits but as of now this is a 2 week moratorium so we should hopefully be able to get back on track the first week of April. I will update the blog as more info comes out. For the time being all of the workouts will be posted on train heroic. Make sure you look there for your workouts for your specific event groups.

If you don't have train heroic yet, please download it on a smart device and create an account. The access codes are as follows: "phoenixdistance", "phoenixthrows", and "phoenix7" for sprinters.

Do your best to get these workouts in and stay in shape during this two week moratorium. Also do your best to stay healthy. As far as school goes, it will be open to students from 8:30 AM to 12:30 AM for breakfast and lunch (in a grab and go manner) and small group tutoring from teachers to answer questions as needed. This will not be a place to just go and "hang out" with friends. Social distancing is what we are going for.

Our track gear from the online team store will get here Friday. We will plan on doing a quick grab and go on Monday and Tuesday of next week from 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM in Coach Brower's Office.

Thanks for your patience with all of this. Hopefully we can get this out of the way and get back on with our season.

Thanks, and GO PHOENIX!