Outdoor is officially here. We are T minus 2 and a half weeks away from our first meet. If you don't have your ELIGIBILITY done by March 3rd. Then you will not be participating in track with us this year. PLEASE get it done! Let's also make sure we are coming to practice every day. We are taking attendance so please make sure you scan out with a coach on a laptop before you leave practice. If you are going to miss please make sure you talk to your event coach about it. If you miss more than 5 times, you're off the team.
We have a team store going on that will remain open until Tuesday Night (the 25th) at midnight. If you would like to order something please get it ordered and in so we can get the order going to get our gear for the season. This is totally optional. Here is the link for the online team store: 2020 Team Shop
If you have questions or concerns with the store, please contact Marcia Mitchell: marciammitchell@gmail.com / 801-455-8478
We also have a t-shirt order that is entirely separate from the online store. These shirts are only $10. If you would like one please sign up using this form: 2020 FHS Track Shirt To pay for these shirts, you need to pay your $10 into the front office into the track account. You can buy these or if you have friends or family who want some they can purchase these as well.
Here is the schedule for the week:
Monday February 24th - 1:20 PM @ West Bleachers on Track
High Jumpers with Coach Brower
Tuesday February 25th - 2:40 PM @ West Bleachers on Track
Jumpers with Coach Lever (Bring Spikes if you have them)
Wednesday February 26th - 1:20 PM @ West Bleachers on Track
Javelin with Coach Betker
High Jumpers with Coach Brower
Thursday February 27th -2:40 PM @ West Bleachers on Track
Jumpers with Coach Lever (Bring Spikes if you have them)
Throws with Coach Ehardt
Friday February 28th - 1:20 PM @ West Bleachers on Track
6:00 AM Throws with Coach Ehardt
Sprinters bring spikes if you have them
Throws with Coach Ehardt
Saturday February 29th - Talk to your event coach to know what workout to do today
Distance Mileage: 100%
Morning Runs: Tuesday & Thursday