
Monday, January 20, 2020

January 20th - January 25th - UHSTCA Indoor Championships

This week we start our 8th period track class on B days. Pay close attention to practice times so you know where to be and when to be there. We also have a meet going on at the oval this Friday and Saturday. If you are planning on racing/competing, please follow the directions below.

The UHSTCA Indoor Championships are this weekend at the Olympic Ice Oval in Kearns (West Valley) See the UHSTCA Indoor Championships link here to see an estimated schedule of events. We will sign you up if you would like to compete. If you are going to compete you need to complete the online waiver to be cleared to compete. Fill out the online waiver here. Once you have completed the waiver online, you are good to compete. You DO NOT need to sign up on runner card. We will do that for you. However, you need to fill out this online registration form so we know who to sign up for the meet this weekend. If you don't fill this survey out, you will not be entered into the meet.
We will not have a bus going to the meet so you can drive yourself or carpool to and from the meet. NOTE: It says indoor championships but it isn't a super crazy intense meet. Anyone who wants to participate can. This is the only "UHSTCA" (Utah High School Track Coaches Association) run meet and that's why we call it the indoor championships.
ALSO NOTE: There will be a $3 entrance fee for all spectators.

If you want to compete this Friday/Saturday please fill out the registration form here.

Thanks to those who have paid for indoor track. If you haven't yet, please go to the main office at the high school and pay your $50 into the track account.

Schedule this week:

Monday January 20th - On your own. Workouts are on Train Heroic.

Tuesday January 21st - 2:40 PM @ FHS Weight Room

Wednesday January 22nd - 1:40 PM @ FHS Weight Room

Thursday January 23rd - On Your Own. Workouts are on Train Heroic.

Friday January 24th - 1:15 PM @ FHS Weight Room. 
6:00 AM - Throws Practice @ FHS Weight Room

3:00 PM - Track opens up for track and field events to warm up.
4:00 PM Meet Starts - See more detailed schedule below for events:

Track Events:
4:00 PM - 1600 M
                  400 M
                  4 X 800 M

Field Events:
4:00 pm- Girls’ Long Jump (ice oval) 14’ minimum 
Girls’ Pole Vault (ice oval) opening 7’ (heights at discretion of official) 
5:30 pm- Boys’ Long Jump (ice oval) 17’ minimum 
6:30 Boy’s Pole Vault (ice oval) (heights at discretion of official) 
8:30 pm- Boys’ and Girls’ Triple Jump no minimums 

Saturday January 25th - UHSTCA Indoor Championships (See link for an estimate of start times for each event based on times from previous years)
8:00 AM - Track opens for warm ups
9:00 AM - Meet Starts
60 M Hurdles Prelims
60 M Dash Prelims
4 X 200 M Relay
60 M Hurdles Finals
60 M Dash Finals
800 M Run
200 M Dash
3200 M Run
4 X 400 M Relay

If you are not competing, get in a workout on your own. Talk to your event coach on what to do.

Distance: Increase mileage 10 % so you should be up to 80% if you have been running consistently since December.