
Friday, November 8, 2019

NXR List & Pre-Nike Sign Up

If you are planning on racing at Pre-Nike next Wednesday, November 13th, Please fill out this link so I can sign you up: Pre-Nike Race Sign Up

Those going to NXR, here is the list for those riding the bus and those riding in the van. I am sorry we can't get everyone on the bus, or everyone in a van going to NXR. We went with a first come first serve basis so those on the bus were those that signed up first. NXR Transportation List Remember to get your permission slip signed and emailed to as soon as you are able. If you don't get it signed and emailed in you will not be allowed to race. 

We will leave on Thursday the 21st at 6:15 AM. Please make sure your parents excuse you from school Thrusday and Friday as this is not a school sponsored trip so I cannot excuse you. Please pay your $200 to Marie Spackman via Venmo (@emspackman). Thanks!