
Sunday, July 29, 2018

Camp Week

Hey Phoenix!

This week is camp week and I want to make sure everyone who is going knows what they need to do. Again, camp is optional, but if you do want to go, print off the form found HERE and fill it out. Bring that form signed by your parents with your money to camp tomorrow morning. We will collect those forms and money as you arrive. So if you were on the fence about it and still want to go you can still come. Please make sure to pack everything you will need for the over night camp (running stuff, sleeping bag, pillow, tent - or tent arrangements). If you are going to camp, I will see you in the morning (again you need your own ride to camp and from camp - pickup will be in Logan - not where you were dropped off so plan accordingly).

If you aren't going to camp, we will do an unofficial practice Monday morning for those that would like to meet up to run with others. Make sure to get some runs in Monday and Tuesday and we will resume practice as usual on Wednesday. Here is the schedule for the week:

Monday July 30th: 7 AM @ Ponds Park (North Lot) - For those who aren't going to camp but would like to meet up with others to run. I will not be there so show up, wait for a few minutes and go for a 4-5 mile run.

Tuesday July 31st: 6 PM - 9 PM Farmington High School - Physical night at the high school. If you need a physical, please come during this time and get your physical done for only $25. Way easy to crank it out. It will be good for the entire school year.

Wednesday August 1st: 7AM @ Heritage Park (1591 N 1075 W, Farmington)

Friday August 3rd: 7AM @ Forbush Park (100 Main St, Farmington)

Saturday August 4th: 7AM @ Glovers Park (1100 W Glovers Ln, Farmington)

A few more reminders. First, take care of your eligibility stuff. We need to get on this so if you need a physical come on Tuesday, and make sure to complete all the steps on the eligibility page. Second, please get your prizes collected if you haven't already. You can start bringing those to practice with you and giving them to me so I can start to organize the prizes in preparation for our race. Please get on this to help make our race a fun one. Third, I have worked out a way with our t-shirt guy to give us more time to get more sponsors for our race. If you haven't gotten sponsors yet, you still have time. We can still get their name or logo on our shirts up until the end of this week so please have your logos to me by Friday August 3rd to make sure their logo is on our shirts. Thanks for all you guys do. The season is fast approaching and we need to get serious. Keep up the good work.